Soften Hardened Steel | The H.A.M.B. - The Jalopy Journal
2013年5月16日 · I agree that its probably case-hardened. The base steel is a relatively softer steel, so bringing it up to 1600 F may render it as soft as dog-poo. I would drill it with cobalt or Ti coated drills, using a water soluble coolant in a spray …
un hardening hardened steel ? | The H.A.M.B. - The Jalopy Journal
2009年10月6日 · Use the biggest cutting tip you have or a heating tip. Heat the area slowly and evenly. Heat to a bright red colour until the steel is heated all the way though, then maintain this heat for another two-five minutes depending on steel thickness. Standard rule of thumb is twenty minutes of heat for every inch of thickness.
Soften Hardened Steel | Page 2 | The H.A.M.B. - The Jalopy Journal
2013年5月16日 · Have a large hammer ready and an assistant. You need to heat the steel to nearly it's melting point, white hot. When it starts to melt quickly hand the torch to the assistant and use the punch and hammer to punch a hole through the white hot metal. This is how they put holes in horse shoes and steel rims for wooden wheels.
Drilling through hardened steel | The H.A.M.B. - The Jalopy Journal
2011年11月19日 · You say hardened steel. That could mean alot of things so I'll make an educated guess and say Oh 65 sfpm (surface feet per minute). Multiply that by the constant 3.82and you get 248. Then divide The drill bit diameter into that. EX 228/.125= 1800rpm 228/.250= 912rpm 228/.312= 730rpm 228/.437= 521rpm 228/.500= 456rpm
restoring pliability to crispy old vinyl? | The H.A.M.B.
2013年6月29日 · First, clean the vinyl with soap and warm water using a soft bristled brush. Rinse well with clean water and allow it to dry. Apply clear mineral oil with a clean rag. May take several heavy applications and allow oil to soak into the vinyl. This should help soften the vinyl but care should be taken when removing it from the cardboard backing.
how to soften rubber for........... | The H.A.M.B. - The Jalopy Journal
2011年10月4日 · After finally installing my windshield,I found the best thing to soften the rubber up was good old sunlight.The hot water deal wäs ok to a certain point,but the heat of the sun worked best. banditomerc , Nov 8, 2011
Welding case hardened steel | The H.A.M.B. - The Jalopy Journal
2009年12月8日 · Welding case hardened steel. Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by jrblack30, Dec 8, 2009.
Can you "work" hardened fiberglass? | The H.A.M.B. - The Jalopy …
2007年2月5日 · Can you "work" hardened fiberglass? Discussion in ' The Hokey Ass Message Board ' started by extremist , Feb 5, 2007 . Joined: Feb 7, 2006
Can you soften hard old tires? | The H.A.M.B. - The Jalopy Journal
2004年10月27日 · Its somewhat dangerous but I use a paint thinner called toluene{toluol}.It is very flamable so use in well venlated area use a respirator as the fumes will give you a head ache and make you high. avoid contac with skin.Its also a good octane boster too.But back to the tires I use 1 gal tolule 4 oz castrol oil{oral type sold in drug stores}4 oz glycrine and 2oz acitone to …
Technical How to/can you soften weatherstripping? - The Jalopy …
2015年11月18日 · Someone years ago told me he used D&L or Goop hand cleaner to soften up old weatherstripping. Just kind of wiped on a thin layer, let it sit for a spell and then wipe off the excess. The petroleum base would soften up the rubber a bit, but these hand cleaners also tended to have lanolin in them which probably helped preserve the rubber.