Registration - Illinois Institute of Technology
Information regarding registration policies and procedures can be found at the links below and on our Frequently Asked Questions page. Registration resources, including Student Dashboard and Registration Dashboard guides, can be found on our Resources page.
How to Register - Illinois Institute of Technology
Registration must be done online through the Illinois Tech Portal system. The schedule of courses can be accessed through the portal. The following is the procedure for registering for courses: Log into Illinois Tech Portal; Enter “Register for Classes” in the …
Important Information - Illinois Institute of Technology
You can find registration policies and other helpful information, including frequently asked questions and a guide to self-service registration, on our Registration page. Please see below for information regarding the start of registration and refer to the Academic Calendar for other important dates, including the add/drop courses deadline.
Registration - Illinois Institute of Technology
View registration status, update student term data, and complete pre-registration requirements.
Office of the Registrar - Illinois Institute of Technology
The office maintains accurate, timely, and secure information to support and enforce academic policy, registration, grading, enrollment and degree certification, course information, the production of diplomas and official transcripts, and other related university functions.
Resources | Office of the Registrar - Illinois Institute of Technology
The PDF below is the Introduction to the Registration Dashboard and instructions for the Prepare for Registration and Register for Classes applications.
Registration - Illinois Institute of Technology
Students should consult their adviser, resolve all holds, and take note of any registration restrictions that pertain to their student status and course selection prior to their appointed registration date for an upcoming term. For more information, go to iit.edu/registrar/registration.
PIN | Illinois Institute of Technology
Before registration, each student must obtain the current semester's registration PIN (also referred to as an alternate PIN). For undergraduate students, the PIN must be provided by their faculty adviser.
Course Registration - Illinois Institute of Technology
Course Registration; Summer Courses; Academic Calendar; Once you receive your academic adviser’s information you are encouraged to reach out to him/her to schedule your initial advising appointment. They will go over your degree requirements, help you plan out your course schedule, and provide you with a unique PIN so that you may register ...
Internet Course Registration - Illinois Institute of Technology
International students must register for courses that maintain their F-1 or J-1 status for SEVIS. For information on maintaining SEVIS status, visit the Office of Global Services' Enrollment Requirements page or email that office at [email protected].