java - Inter-thread messaging implementation - Stack Overflow
2012年4月15日 · What I'm trying to do is have a thread write a message it received from its parent thread to an OutputStream, listen to an InputStream for the reply and then notify the parent thread with the reply. I wrote two test classes that do something similar but simpler in different ways.
java - In Inter thread processes why main thread behave badly, …
2017年3月23日 · I am learning threading in java and wrote following code. Here: I am creating two threads (main and t) and i want to implements inter-thread communication. Here is two scenarios : 1) If Main thread executed first/continue then Main thread acquire lock on object "t", release lock and go for waiting state
multithreading - Lightweight threads in Java? - Stack Overflow
2016年12月21日 · On the one hand, this rules out some neat GC performance tricks Erlang has; but for Java, it means virtual threads can access and modify shared data by going through locks, as Java programmers naturally expect. Java doesn't have Erlang's message-passing primitives (mailboxes and PIDs). It has its own primitives for inter-thread communication.
Any concept of shared memory in Java - Stack Overflow
If there is no concept of shared memory, then the communication between Java programs should be time consuming. In C where inter-process communication is quicker via shared memory compared to other modes of communication. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also what is the quickest way for 2 Java progs to talk to each other.
java - communication between a parent process and a child …
2016年11月1日 · Java Inter Process communication and Inter Thread communication? 0. Java Dealing with child Process. 0.
c++ - Inter thread communication - Stack Overflow
2016年3月1日 · Inter thread communication. Ask Question Asked 8 ... "implements Runnable" vs "extends Thread" in Java. 2047.
Inter-thread communication with Sockets without blocking methods
2011年2月10日 · The next problem seems to be the inter-thread communication; the config files the threads read have a list of IP address (localhost) and port combinations and they should each start listening on the port given to them and at the same time read through the input file, which tells them to either increment their logical clock or send a message to ...
Communication between Two threads in pthread - Stack Overflow
2012年6月3日 · Here, a condition variable in addition to the mutex would ensure that your reading thread would not eat resources while he has nothing to do. If your reading thread is doing some permanent work and has just to use the value there are different scenarios: the first would be to protect the variable with a mutex, just to make sure that the value ...
java - communication between threads - Stack Overflow
2012年6月10日 · inter thread communication in java. 25. Communicating between two threads. 0. Communication inter 2 ...
Inter-thread communication in Java - Stack Overflow
2016年9月5日 · The main thread and thread-0 then race for the lock (monitor), but thread-0 always wins out because you want it to. If thread-0 grabs the lock, it sets the volatile write on in and immediately gives up the lock for the main thread to notify it by wait() ing on it.