Global Current Weather | AccuWeather
Get the World weather forecast. Access hourly, 10 day and 15 day forecasts along with up to the minute reports and videos from AccuWeather.com
Home | World Weather Information Service
This global web site presents OFFICIAL weather forecasts and climatological information for selected cities supplied by National Meteorological & Hydrological Services worldwide.
World Temperatures — Weather Around The World - timeanddate.com
Weather forecast & current weather worldwide in Fahrenheit or Celsius - hour-by-hour & 2 week forecast plus last week's weather.
12 Day Weather Forecast Worldwide
4 天之前 · Accurate 12 Day Weather Forecasts for thousands of places around the World. We provide detailed Weather Forecasts over a 12 day period updated four times a day. Our interactive weather maps can be customized to show forecasts of temperature, weather and wind.
World Weather Map - Interactive weather map.
Interactive world weather map by Worldweatheronline.com with temperature, precipitation, cloudiness, wind. Animated hourly and daily weather forecasts on map
Weather around the world - Meteored
International weather forecasts for the next 14 days. Find up to date forecasts including current conditions for over 200,000 locations worldwide.
Weather - International weather forecast - Euronews
European and international weather forecast: today's forecast and seven-day day forecast from Europe to Africa, Asia to America and Oceania to Antarctica
World Weather - forecasts and current weather - Elders Weather
"World weather has the weather forecast, current conditions and climate information for hundreds of international cities and towns around the globe in an easy to navigate map interface.
The weather around the world - Meteored
The latest 14 day international weather forecasts along with current conditions for over 200,000 locations around the world.
International Weather / International Forecasts
Get clear and accurate 7 day international weather forecasts for major cities of the world. Temperature index , wind and dew point data also constantly updated.