An ion thruster, ion drive, or ion engine is a form of electric propulsion used for spacecraft propulsion. An ion thruster creates a cloud of positive ions from a neutral gas by ionizing it to …
Ion thrusters are being designed for a wide variety of missions—from keeping communications satellites in the proper position (station-keeping) to pro-pelling spacecraft throughout our solar …
Ionic air propulsion is a technique for creating a flow of air through electrical energy, without any moving parts. Because of this it is sometimes described as a "solid-state" drive. It is based on …
Dawn's futuristic, hyper-efficient ion propulsion system allows Dawn to go into orbit around two different solar system bodies, a first for any spacecraft. Meeting the ambitious mission …
2017年1月25日 · In an ion thruster, ions are accelerated by electrostatic forces. The electric fields used for acceleration are generated by electrodes positioned at the downstream end of the …
In spaceflight, an ion thruster or drive is a form of electric propulsion used by spacecraft in the vacuum of Space. It works by creating positively charged atoms or ions, which are accelerated …
2.2 Force Transfer in Ion and Hall Thrusters The propellant ionized in ion and Hall thrusters is accelerated by the application of electric fields. However, the mechanism for transferring the …
These also have the high velocities that are associated with ion propulsion, which will be discussed later. 1. Operation. Like a PPT, a MPD thruster has two electrodes, one being a …
2021年2月10日 · Electromagnetic ion thrusters use the Lorentz force. The method of accelerating the ions varies, but all designs take advantage of the charge-to-mass ratio of the ions. This …
ion-thruster propulsion system are shown in figure 1. The Sun provides energy, which is converted into electric power by solar cells. The power is then conditioned to the current and …