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    Kagerō Nikki - Wikipedia

    • Kagerō Nikki (蜻蛉日記, The Mayfly Diary, commonly referred to as The Gossamer Years) is a work of classical Japanese literature, written around 974, that falls under the genre of nikki bungaku, or diary literature. The author of Kagerō Nikki was a woman known only as the Mother of Michitsuna. Using a combination of waka poems and prose, she conveys t… 展开


    During the Heian Period, prominent families often collected and compiled their poems in a family collection, or kashū. It is l… 展开


    Sonja Arntzen argued that the work also functions as a record of the death of Michitsuna’s Mother’s marriage and her struggle to find a reason for living. Kagerō Nikki unfolds around the principal relationship betw… 展开


    Kagerō Nikki is said to be a diary, but it is "written in a mixture of styles; the first half characterized more by memoir, the latter half by day-to-day entry." The amount of time that passes between events is sometimes week… 展开

    Marriage customs

    Kagerō Nikki is the first piece of literature in which Heian social relations and customs are clearly drawn out. The marriage customs in Japan at the time revolved around the idea of "duolocal residence", in which the husba… 展开


    Born in 935 as the daughter of a provincial governor, Fujiwara no Tomoyasu, the Mother of Michitsuna was a lower- to mid-level member of the aristocratic class. In 954, at the age of nineteen, she married Fujiwara no Kaneie (929 … 展开