  1. Terara - Keroro Wiki | Fandom

    • Terara is the Earth Dragon who awakens once every 5000 years to recreate the destiny world. Terara was held back by the Keroro Platoonfrom fully awakening though, so the platoon was then turned to dragons by … 展开


    At the end of Keroro Gunso the Super Movie 4, when the Earth Dragon was summoned and had threatened to destroy the Earth, Shionappears to sacrifice herself to quell their birth, but ir was then revealed that she and the … 展开


    Terara acts childish and, in some ways, rude. Like when they jump on Kururu's head at the end of the movie, pat him rashly, and call him "a good guy". But their childishness isn't quite a bad thing, as they go back to Shion… 展开


    Terara is navy blue with a Keronian-like body, lighter aqua tadpole markings that go up into a point in the middle of their face. They do not possess a tadpole tail, but a dragon's tail instead. Simular to Kiruru, their hat flaps are not … 展开