PumpKIN is an open source, fully functional, free TFTP server and TFTP client, which implements TFTP according to RFC1350. It also implements block size option, which allows transfer of …
KIN::pumpkin::binary downloads
pumpkin: windows and OSX implementation of tftp server and tftp client, binary downloads
KIN::pumpkin::source downloads
pumpkin: windows and OSX implementation of tftp server and tftp client, source downloads
KIN::pumpkin::help file
pumpkin: windows and OSX implementation of tftp server and tftp client, help file
KIN::pumpkin::source repositories
pumpkin: windows and OSX implementation of tftp server and tftp client, source repositories
KIN::pumpkin::recent development activity - kin.klever.net
pumpkin: windows and OSX implementation of tftp server and tftp client, recent development activity
KIN::pumpkin::frequently questioned answers
pumpkin: windows and OSX implementation of tftp server and tftp client, frequently questioned answers
KIN::the news
2012年12月11日 · Anyway, to expand my horizons, learn a bit about the platform I use, dig a bit deeper into Objective-C, etc. I have ported the well-known PumpKIN TFTP daemon to Mac. …
pumpkin: windows and OSX implementation of tftp server and tftp client, changelog
KIN::copyright policy
KIN: Klever Internet Nothings — utilities to make one's life easier, copyright policy copyright policy The software made available on the site is covered by the MIT license (see below).