Lakeview High School
See why Lakeview is the BEST choice for your child! Lakeview will provide a safe, supportive learning environment with opportunities for each student to develop the skills and knowledge to become a responsible, successful citizen.
Yearbook Information – Parent Resources – Lakeview High School
Order during the summer or the school year to ensure that your student will get a copy of the yearbook. Jostens will print a limited number of books based on the orders received in advance. Only a few extras are sent to the building for sale in the spring.
Principal's Page – Principal – Lakeview High School
We proudly serve our community as a comprehensive high school. College preparatory, Advanced Placement and Career Technical Education are at the core of the curriculum offerings. Fine Arts and Music education opportunities are well supported.
Important Telephone Numbers – Contact Us – Lakeview High School
Lakeview High School 21100 East Eleven Mile Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081. Phone: 586-445-4045. Fax: 586-445-4072 586-445-4047 - Attendance . Fax Machine Notice: Due to any unforeseen technical issues, the District does not guarantee that all fax machines are in working order at all times.
News | Lakeview High School
Starting October 11th (2024), all students will be required to bring and show their school ID to enter our home football games. This new policy is being implemented to help us maintain a secure environment for all attendees and ensure that we can properly identify those who are part of our school community.
Scheduling – Academics – Lakeview High School - Lakeview Public …
This link houses everything needed for Scheduling 2024-25. Students and parents can watch presentations on course options and planning during high school, as well as download forms and instructions for each grade level.
Events | Lakeview High School - Lakeview Public Schools
Lakeview High School 21100 East Eleven Mile Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081. Phone: 586-445-4045. Fax: 586-445-4072 586-445-4047 - Attendance . Fax Machine Notice: Due to any unforeseen technical issues, the District does not guarantee that all fax machines are in working order at all times.
Alumni Directory | Lakeview High School - Lakeview Public Schools
Lakeview High School 21100 East Eleven Mile Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081. Phone: 586-445-4045. Fax: 586-445-4072 586-445-4047 - Attendance . Fax Machine Notice: Due to any unforeseen technical issues, the District does not guarantee that all fax machines are in working order at all times.
Bell Schedules | Lakeview High School - Lakeview Public Schools
Lakeview High School 21100 East Eleven Mile Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081. Phone: 586-445-4045. Fax: 586-445-4072 586-445-4047 - Attendance . Fax Machine Notice: Due to any unforeseen technical issues, the District does not guarantee that all fax machines are in working order at all times.
Transcript Requests – Academics – Lakeview High School
Lakeview High Schools has partnered with Parchment to order and send your transcript and other credentials securely. Please click the button above and this link will open a new browser.