  1. Copilot 答案

    Languages of Belgium - Wikipedia

    • Dutch is the most spoken primary language of Belgium and the official language of the Flemish Community and the Flemish Region (merged to Flanders). Along with French, it is an official language of the Brussels-Capital Region . 展开


    The Kingdom of Belgium has three official languages: Dutch, French, and German.
    A number of non-official, minority languages and dialects are spoken as well.
    As a result of being in between Latin and Germanic Europ… 展开

    Official languages

    The Belgian Constitution guarantees, since the country's independence, freedom of language in the private sphere. Article 30 specifies that "the use of languages spoken in Belgium is optional; only the law can rule on this matter, a… 展开

  1. 包含 Languages Map of Belgium 的结果。
    是否只需要 Languege Map of Belgium 的结果?
  2. 包含 Languages Map of Belgium 的结果。
    是否只需要 Languege Map of Belgium 的结果?