Download free beetle drive game sheets from Beetle Drive Game Sheet Rules: You need a 6 to start, no parts can be drawn without a body. You need a 5 for a head before you can add eyes or antenna’s A complete beetle will have a body, a head, a tail, 2 eyes, 2 antenna and 6 legs. Dice Rolls: 1: Eye 2: Antenna 3: Leg
The different games per sheet give you options for running your beetle drive events. We have 4 beetle drive game sheets available for download and printing. 4 / 6 / 9 / 12 games per sheet. Download for free.
Welcome to our free resource for Beetle Drive activities. Beetle Drives are a great fundraiser and super simple to host. Download our beetle sheets for FREE and have fun playing beetle.
A beetle drive is a very simple fundraiser based on the popular kids game beetle. It requires very little to put on and organise. Beetle is an old family favourite so suitable for all sorts of fundraising events with adults and children playing together.
A beetle drive is an old favourite - a simple game requiring only paper, pencils and dice. A great game enjoyed by all ages. The aim of the game is to be the first player to draw a complete beetle. The body parts you draw are determined by the throw of the dice. Before the game starts each player throws the dice to determine who
Beetle Drive! Here’s a fun game you can play with two or more people. The aim is to be the first person to complete their beetle. When you’ve finished playing you could colour the beetle in. Don’t worry if you haven’t got a dice, we’ve included a template for making one. How to Play Each player will need a game sheet and a pencil or pen
Here is a free printable Beetle game to download and play! This will allow you to play a game of beetle drive in your home. If you have never played Beetle then give it a go 🙂 it’s a fun family game and all you need is a dice and the beetle drive sheets you can download below.
Score 1 point for each body part on your Beetle. Highest and lowest score in each group move to the next table. Highest score at the end is crowned Beetle Champion!
Throw a six to start your beetle, drawing the body first. Throw a five to draw the head and a one to draw each eye – before the antennae (two). Throw a four (twice) to draw each wing and you’ll need to throw a three six times to give your beetle legs!
A set of beetle pieces for each player A scorecard for each player (optional) 1. Cut out the pieces of the beetle and place in the middle of the table 2. Take turns to roll the dice – highest score goes first 3. Roll the dice and add the piece of beetle with that number to your sheet 4. First person to complete and shout ‘BEETLE!’ is the ...