Google Drive Link with High-Quality Splash Art for All ... - Reddit
3b. as a side note, most of the old art came from a google drive link for the old League Screensaver app (pre-League Displays) and were enlarged to 4k using the neat preserve details feature in photoshop, unfortunately the original link for those images has long since been deleted so i cannot recover them anymore :(
I made Skin Explorer, an online skin splash art viewer!
2021年12月27日 · Look at centered (champ select) or uncentered (Collections tab) splash art. Supports animated splash art (like Spirit Guard Udyr and Elementalist Lux). Omnisearch to jump to any champion, skinline, or skin. Skin information like rarity and description. All skin information is pulled from the NA PBE patch. Thanks for checking it out!
I made a list of super high-res splash arts, over 300 artworks
I made a list of super high-res splash arts, over 300 artworks in their native resolution!
I uploaded ALL splash arts in best available quality, more ... - Reddit
Pretty much all splash arts are from official sources like the official league website. On top of that i optimized every single splash art to make them look as good as possible. For example, removing jpeg artifacts of overly compressed images (which there were a lot) or small adjustments in terms of contrast or color, but mostly for older ...
Every old splash art of every champion! : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
909 votes, 515 comments. true. It was always a quiet joke to myself whenever I played Soraka and was trying to heal someone while they were running away (with her new passive it's no longer an issue), but Lordy with that old splash art I would have run away on principle D':
Is there some place where one can find high quality League splash …
LoL's official Twitter usually releases HD splash arts of new/er skins. It's usually worth a shot searching for the skin name on Google Images and add 'twitter' in the search. Here's an example where you can find the official Twitter post to download really high resolution splash.
All 124 champion splash arts in one Imgur album for easy viewing
2015年4月14日 · This is a subreddit devoted to the game League of Legends. Members Online [ENGSUB] T1 Keria on playing Ezreal, Hwei, Ashe and more: "It may seem like I'm picking random fun picks that I personally want to play.
List of Riot Games Artists with links. : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
2014年10月14日 · With the new Splash arts coming out, more people are taking an interest in the art of League of Legends. I thought the best way to help those that are interested would be to give full credit to those that created the wonderful art of league of legends. This post is a WIP and i'll try to update as fast as i can, I appreciate any help I can get.
How much does a splash art level of quality painting cost?
2020年8月9日 · I'd say a couple thousand dollars. You have to keep in mind this isn't just a drawing, it's also being used for commercial purposes which ups the price like crazy. A normal splash art, maybe a few hundred dollars ~400-500
Tier list of every characters splash art. : r/leagueoflegends - Reddit
2021年10月7日 · This Tierlist was made to rank every characters splash art. The placements were decided by 3 categories. Those categories are overall look, how well the splash art depicts the characters personality or traits, and/or how well their splash art depicts their lore.