Lectron carb tuning guide - Cafe Husky
2013年4月15日 · Tuning a Lectron carburetor guideline... Install the carb as sent and fire it up. Get it fully warmed up and cleared out. Evaluate how it runs. You should be about 1-1.5 turns out on the idle adjustment and it should start and idle fine. If it needs more then 1.5 turns out to maintain a good idle the rod is set to rich, if it idles high it is ...
Lectron carb tuning guide | Page 11 | Cafe Husky
2013年4月15日 · As posted elsewhere common Lectron rods have been: 3-1m (ms-3, custom rod by Motosportz) 3-1xl 3-2m (custom rod by Motosportz) 3-2xl And there are plenty more rods, but only those 2 are "m". Also, basic Lectron tuning is adjust rod and idle screw so bike starts and idles well. If idle screw is other than @ 1-2 turns out need to adjust or ...
Lectron carb tuning guide | Page 9 | Cafe Husky
2016年5月17日 · For example, on my 165 I have 3-1xl rod (which I think is a little too lean, btw) and on the 300 I have 3-2m rod which was stock from Lectron/Motosportz and is a little richer than 3-1xl. With Huskys it seems each possibly needs some fine tuning, there's not 1 rod that works for all on certain bikes.
Lectron carb tuning guide | Page 5 | Cafe Husky
2013年4月15日 · Did a compression test and got 160psi which is down from 180psi from a few rides ago but i used a different tester. Pulled the carb out and dried turning the needle in 1/2 turn (richer) it does the same thing if not a tad bit worse. I can …
Lectron carb tuning guide | Page 2 | Cafe Husky
2013年4月15日 · Did my 1st ride with my Lectron on a 09 WB165 and did 30 miles of single track and used about 1 and a quarter gallons of feul,was useing my 2 gal stock tank and I still have not adjusted a single thing on the carb.Bike ran incredible and will pull the middle and almost rev to much and there still has a good low end responce that I would like to ...
All 2st Lectron tuning--starts w/o choke = too rich?
2013年8月19日 · Likewise, bought my lectron from Kelly and very happy with it out of the box. First race with it last weekend and the bike was transformed.. felt sorry for the other guys who spent thousands more on their KTMs and Bergs etc, yet my WR250 was running great with only a relatively inexpensive mod. Shame Husky didn't get the carb right in the factory!
Lectron carb tuning guide | Page 6 | Cafe Husky
2013年4月15日 · I finally put in a new iridium plug replacing one @ 3 months old that I installed at the same time as the Lectron. The old plug had been cleaned many times after going to both extremes in tuning the Lectron. Even then I didn't ever foul the plug. With the new plug at old carb settings started 3rd kick cold which was a best yet.
Lectron keeps over filling - Cafe Husky
2015年2月28日 · These are certainly not coming from my plastic tank or getting through its filter so I assumed these must be from the carb itself Anyway, put it all together and got back to tuning went out for a ride and came back with the carb overfilled again. Properly took it in this time and rinsed out the whole carb. More metal in the bowl again.
250-500cc - new noise and lectron | Cafe Husky
2015年7月30日 · Ive been tuning the wr300 with the new lectron and I think Ive very nearly got it right. Im running a Rekluse exp3 which makes the idle thing a bit more tricky, still getting there.The idles needs to be a bit higher with that clutch.
250-500cc - Looking at the 2013 WR300 - Cafe Husky
2013年4月9日 · Sore points are just a couple: Mikuni Carb needs sorting out or replacement, and clutch drags. But you can get a Motion Pro Terminator cable to fix most of the clutch problem and a JD carb tuning kit will eliminate most of the carb issues. Also make sure that you seal the reed boot sealing surface because sometimes there can be a bit of an air ...