Pro tip: the flux pauldrons are way stronger than you think
2022年12月14日 · If you have 7 syringes and get a light flux, you get cdr for utility skills, which means inherently more mobility. The few characters that don't have mobility skills make up for it in their own way. Captain has strikes that can obliterate everything around …
Posting random facts about every item/equipment in RoR2 Day …
2022年11月9日 · 1 light flux combined with 1 purity is INSANE for Loader. The grapple and charge punch go down to the minimum cooldown of 0.5 seconds, and the default orb goes to 8 seconds. Given that your damage is tied to your movement speed, you don't even need to charge the punch that much, you can just continually grapple and pummel enemies at max speed.
r/ror2 on Reddit: Light Flux Pauldron increases perfect reload …
2022年3月4日 · A community for fans of the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV, with an expanded free trial that includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn and the award-winning Heavensward and Stormblood expansions up to level 70 with no restrictions on playtime.
I like Stone/Light Flux Pauldron :D : r/riskofrain - Reddit
2022年4月6日 · I also don't mind having one or two Light flux on artificer, since you can spam ice javelins and her basic attacks are best spaced out most of the time anyway. Two light flux means you can attack with your M1 at a steady rate without ruining out of charges, and her ice wall cast animation time can just be skipped by sprinting.
How to do well with railgunner on monson? : r/riskofrain - Reddit
2022年3月10日 · The new light flux pauldron fits really good with the alternate r ability, this will trade for a slower m1 attack speed, but its nothing a couple of soldiers syringes and a berserkers pauldron cant fix. Similarly, you can stack void fuel cells with the alternate r for an even faster shooting speed.
i thought this was the easy way to get the achivement but the
2022年3月13日 · Politely disagree. Light Flux Pauldron can be useful, it's just not always. Engineer doesn't seem to mind it too much, since his primary is so bad anyway, and attack speed doesn't seem to affect mines or shield. There's certainly worse lunar items.
Is there an actual use for lightflux/stone flux : r/riskofrain - Reddit
2024年1月3日 · RoR2 I genuinely cannot think of a character that actually benefits from stone flux. Light flux I could see being somewhat okay on artificer but her attacks take long to charge as it is.
Fun acrid command builds? : r/ror2 - Reddit
2023年12月31日 · Little disciple for yellow, 4x light flux pauldron will give your spread attack virtually no cool down and you can cast while sprinting, you can basically build anything from there but some combo of goat hoof/ energy drink/ topaz brooch, crowbar/ gas, greens atg, razorwire, bands, uke and wisp
r/ror2 on Reddit: Current prismatic trial [05.02.2023] is very great …
2023年2月5日 · This post and the comments were a godsend! Personally I'd recommend taking 1 Shaped Glass and 1 Light Flux Pauldron in the first stage, instead of double Glass - reduced cooldowns and greatly extended secondary range help a lot and you already one-shot most enemies with 1 Glass.
Item and Equipment Tierlist for every survivor in RoR2 SotV
2022年3月18日 · Light flux Pauldron - Halved cooldowns is pretty good, but you’ll be doing basically no damage since huntress’s abilities have windup effected by attack speed. Egocentrism - Will get you killed trying to get close enough AND will eat your good items. The Back Up - low value ability on a long cooldown. Decent with spare drone parts.