How to Grow and Care for Lungwort - The Spruce
2024年8月8日 · Lungwort plant (Pulmonaria spp.) is an attractive foliage plant that begins blooming early in the spring. Learn how to grow this shade lover.
LUNGWORT - Uses, Side Effects, and More - WebMD
Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) is a plant. The parts that grow above the ground are used to make medicine. People use lungwort for conditions of the stomach, lungs, and urinary tract, as...
6 Proven Health Benefits of Lungwort - Healthy Focus
2018年3月9日 · True to its common and scientific names, lungwort is primarily used to treat respiratory complaints including asthma, whooping cough, and bronchitis. In traditional folk medicine, the herb was widely used to treat many lung complaints like coughing, catarrh, asthma, and tuberculosis.
How to Plant and Grow Lungwort - Better Homes & Gardens
2024年5月9日 · Lungwort is a perennial with pretty spring blooms that are almost tissue paper-like in appearance and come in a variety of colors. They fade beautifully, starting as a lovely shade of red ; as they age, they become rich purple.
How to Plant, Grow and Care For Lungwort - Epic Gardening
2023年10月2日 · In this article, certified master gardener Laura Elsner shares all you need to know about growing Lungwort in your garden, including plant maintenance and care tips. Pulmonaria, or lungwort, isn’t the star of a garden like a peony or rose.
Lungwort Plants - How To Grow Lungwort - Gardening Know How
2021年12月18日 · The name lungwort often gives a gardener pause. Can a plant with such an ugly name truly be a lovely plant? Yes, it can. Read this article for information on how to grow lungwort in the garden.
Pulmonaria - Wikipedia
Pulmonaria (lungwort) is a genus of flowering plants in the family Boraginaceae, native to Europe and western Asia, with one species (P. mollissima) east to central Asia. According to various estimates there may be between 10 and 18 species found in the wild.
A Guide to Growing Lungwort (Pulmonaria) - Garden Design
2022年10月6日 · Lungwort (Pulmonaria) is one of the first perennials to bloom in spring, often sharing the spotlight with tulips and other spring-flowering bulbs. In addition to offering a wide array of leaf patterns and variegations, many newer varieties also have more vibrant flower colors.
How to Grow and Care for Flowering Lungwort | Gardener’s Path
2022年8月14日 · Suited to USDA Hardiness Zones 3 to 8, lungwort adorns shady spots in pink and blue flowers and speckled greenery. Learn to grow it now on Gardener’s Path.
Lungwort Growing & Care Guide - The Garden Magazine
2023年6月13日 · Lungwort, scientifically known as Pulmonaria, is a genus of flowering plants that are often celebrated for their unique, spotted foliage and vibrant flowers. These perennial plants have found a comfortable home in many shade gardens …