high MCV and MCH | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
2012年6月18日 · With the zinc/copper issue, I've also read that in animal studies, when they became zinc toxic, their MCV's became subnormal. ( I know this is a strange example to use.) So I wonder if balancing my own zinc/copper may in turn further reduce my MCV/MCH to a more optimal level. I'll go to the doc in a few more months to see if the zinc/copper supps.
High MCV and MCH | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
2012年2月19日 · Since the bone marrow is not able to make red cells in normal numbers, it stuffs more hemoglobin into each one it does make, and that raises both MCV (their size) and MCH (their hemoglobin content). The reason why these cells do not have enough folates is that there is a partial block in methionine synthase, which links the methylation cycle to ...
Anemia CBC guidance. Low MCV, MCH, MCHC and Reticulocyte …
2018年12月7日 · Your Mean Cell Volume (MCV) is 81 with a reference range of 81-95. This indicates borderline microcytosis (small red cells). Typically microcytosis is due to low iron, but your iron level is fine. The low Mean Cell Hemoglobin (MCH) is due to the small size of your red cells. Your result was 27 with a ref. range of 28-35.
DISCUSSION: High MCV/MCH and methyl folate vs folinic acid?
2015年3月5日 · My MCV is 98 fL (rr 79-97) and MCH is 32.3 pg (rr 26.6 - 33). MCV has not been moving at all even though I've always supplemented with folic acid that's in multivitamin. MCH has been actually going up very gradually, 0.1 in two months time. On the other hand, my RBC folate was 847 ng/mL (rr 499-1504).
low MCH and Ferritin | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
2012年1月30日 · Hi, i have had persistently low ferritin and MCH for years. My ferritin was at about 5 but with two years of iron supplements it has gone up to on;ly 11. My MCH is always low. My B12 is low side of normal (240) My GP is not concerned about this as my 'iron count' is just about normal so he says i am not aenemic.
high MCH with normal B12 and folate - Phoenix Rising ME/CFS …
2018年6月17日 · I was on 5,000 mcg subcutaneous injections every three days and a profile for pernicious anemia is reflected in my lab work. MCV is 106.1. MCH is 36.8. Low red blood cell count and high platelet count.
DISCUSSION: High folate and high B12 in blood tests
2013年11月6日 · My daughter just got labs back that show high folate (>20, ref range 3.1-17.5) and B12 (1093, ref range 211-911).
Benfotiamine - a double edged sword due to sulfur sensitivity
2015年6月21日 · Something is a bit off with my RBC as the MCV level has reached 100.8 fL. MCH has also went beyond the reference range. My serum iron level and ferritin levels were good, on the high side of reference range back in last December. Both B12 and RBC B9 levels were good back in last November.
heterozygous for MTHFR C677T - Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
2017年5月3日 · Have you had the standard blood tests where they report mean cell volume (MCV) and mean cell haemoglobin (MCH)? If these are raised it can indicate folate and/or B12 deficiency. My MCV was high and returned to normal over 6 months of supplementing B12 and folate even though my blood tests didn't directly show a deficiency of these.
High RBC and B12 | Phoenix Rising ME/CFS Forums
2016年9月1日 · With these levels being elevated along with my B12 level being so high, my doctor referred me to a hematologist. I've had a homocysteine test twice, a MMA serum test, and waiting on the results of an MMA urine test. The former two were normal. My MCV and MCH is normal as well along with my other CBC levels including my WBC.