约 215,000 个结果
  1. Electrodiagnostic MR neurography studies revealed abnormal right sciatic nerve. Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted image at level of right midthigh shows mildly enlarged sciatic nerve (circle) with fascicular signal intensity similar to adjacent vessels, confirming neuropathy. Sizes of fascicles are normal.


    Electrodiagnostic MR neurography studies revealed abnormal right sciatic nerve. Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted image at level of right midthigh shows mildly enlarged sciatic nerve (circle) with fascicular signal intensity similar to adjacent vessels, confirming neuropathy. Sizes of fascicles are normal.


    the sciatic nerve and MRN evidence of dener-vation changes of the regional skeletal muscles were used to diagnose sciatic neuropathy. In all of those studies, however, the observers deter-mined the abnormal T2 hyperintensity of the nerves subjectively, and no objective criteria were used to evaluate the signal intensity (SI) or


    MRI. On MRI of the pelvis, the sciatic nerve can be easily visualized due to its large size in the greater sciatic foramen underneath the piriformis muscle, then lateral to the hamstring origin and superficial to the ischial spine and external hip rotator muscles underneath the gluteus maximus.


    Macrodissection and microdissection of the right sciatic nerve was undertaken. The left side was sectioned into contiguous 3 mm axial slices. The location, course and relationships to the adjacent vascular structures of the sciatic nerve were analysed simultaneously and in consensus by a musculoskeletal radiologist and an anatomist.


    MRN and MRI results showed a strong correlation with the presenting symptoms of participants, in the form of increased sciatic nerve caliber in 23.33%, muscular atrophy in 13.33%, nerve root impingement in 26.67%, and lumbar spondylosis in 36.67%.

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