约 1,410,000 个结果
  1. Corn vs. Maize, What's the Difference? - Gardening Channel

    A farmer is growing maize, and will eventually harvest maize to sell on the market as corn. Maize can refer to what is grown in the field, whereas corn refers to the harvested product, or the …

  2. Maize - Wikipedia

    Maize / meɪz / (Zea mays), also known as corn in North American English, is a tall stout grass that produces cereal grain. It was domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about …

  3. cornmaize的区别是什么? - 百度知道

    2024年8月25日 · corn和maize的区别是什么?玉米与玉米,英文中被称作“Maize”的是植物本身,而“Corn”则可以指代该植物制成的食物。 在美式英语中,两者常常互换使用,但更准确来 …

  4. maizecorn的区别在哪?maizecorn的区别读音 | 阿卡索外教网

    2021年5月20日 · maize和corn的区别在于地域使用问题,二者都表示玉米的意思。 (1)corn是美式英语,maize是英式英语,平常用corn就可以了。 (2)在British English中,corn泛指一切 …

  5. Maize vs Corn: What’s The Difference? Well, They're Actually …

    2024年11月11日 · You’ll see high fructose corn syrup in pretty much every American ingredients list, whereas in the UK this would traditionally be thought of as maize syrup. In the UK …

  6. The Surprising Difference Between Corn and Maize - Garden …

    Corn and maize are simply two different terms used by different regions to describe one of the most versatile and essential grain crops. Corn is mainly used in North America, however in the …

  7. Corn vs. Maize: 5 Key Differences, Pros & Cons, FAQs

    The main difference between corn and maize is that the term corn is used in North America, while maize is commonly used in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world. Let’s take a …

  8. What is the difference between "Corn" and "maize ... - HiNative

    'Corn' 和 'maize' 是英语(美国)中的两个词,它们在美国英语中有一些微妙的区别。 首先,'corn' 是一个通用的术语,用来指代谷物或谷类作物。 在美国,'corn' 通常指的是玉米,特指一种黄 …

  9. Maize Vs Corn: Is There A Difference? - The Daily Meal

    2024年5月26日 · Ultimately, maize and corn are the same crop, and the two terms only represent discrepancies in the way the English language is used around the world. In the United States, …

  10. Difference Between Maize and Corn | What Is Maize - Globe Bag

    2023年10月26日 · The primary difference between maize and corn is that maize is used predominantly for industrial, non-food purposes. It’s used to creates ethanol, animal feed, and …