Fund Solutions | Majestic Fund Solutions
As the Majestic fund platform grows, more funds means more savings for each fund compared to standard industry pricing. This translates directly into lower expenses for your fund, better performance for your investors, and a higher profitability for your firm.
MAJESTIC FUND PLATFORM WHAT IS THE FUND PLATFORM? The Majestic Fund Platform serves as a facilitatorfor portfolio managers wishing to launch and/or manage investment funds. Since the launch and day-to-day operations of a fund …
About us - Majestic Fund Solutions
Majestic was formed in 2006 as an asset management firm. One of its first accomplishments was the launching and managing of an investment fund. After being drowned in legal agreements and regulatory obligations, the co-founders quickly realized that no simple solution existed for creating investment funds in Canada.
Fund directory - Majestic Fund Solutions
Majestic Fund Solutions offers you the opportunity to launch and manage your own investment fund.
Contact us - Majestic Fund Solutions
Majestic Fund Solutions offers you the opportunity to launch and manage your own investment fund.
Request a Quote | Majestic Fund Solutions
Majestic Fund Solutions offers you the opportunity to launch and manage your own investment fund.
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Information provided by Majestic Asset Management ("Majestic") on this Website is believed to be accurate and reliable when placed on this site, but we cannot guarantee it is accurate or complete or current at all times.
FAQ - Majestic Fund Solutions
How long does it take to launch a fund on Majestic's fund platform? We simplify and optimize the fund creation process in order to launch it within six (6) weeks. What are the advantages of having a fund(s) under Majestic?
La plateforme de fonds Majestic agit comme facilitateur d’affaires auprès Lades intervenants financiers désirant lancer et/ou gérer un fonds d’investissement. Puisque la création et la gestion quotidienne des opérations d’un fonds d’investissement
À propos - Majestic Solutions de Fonds
Majestic Gestion d’Actifs a été créée en 2006 avec l'intention de devenir l'un des principaux gestionnaires de portefeuille au Canada sur les produits dérivés et contrats à terme. Le défi était de taille et la démarche fut plus complexe que prévu.