  1. Remilitarisation of the Rhineland - Wikipedia

    • Under the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, the German military was forbidden from all territories west of the Rhine or within 50 km east of it. The 1925 Locarno Treaties reaffirmed the then-permanently-demilitarised status of the Rhineland. 展开


    The remilitarisation of the Rhineland began on 7 March 1936, when military forces of Nazi Germany entered the Rhineland, which directly contravened the Treaty of Versailles and the Locarno Treaties. Neither France nor Britain was … 展开


    Under Articles 42, 43 and 44 of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles, which was imposed on Germany by the Allies after World War I, Germany was "forbidden to maintain or construct any fortification either on the Left bank of the … 展开

  1. Occupation of the Rhineland - Wikipedia

  2. Europe 1936: Remilitarization of the Rhineland - Omniatlas

  3. Remilitarization of the Rhineland 1936 – The Map Archive

  4. Rhineland | Facts, History, & Significance | Britannica

  5. The German Occupation Of The Rhineland - U.S. Naval Institute

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  7. Remilitarization of the Rhineland (Mar. 7, 1936) …

    On March 7, 1936, Hitler denounced the Locarno Pact and ordered his German troops to reoccupy the demilitarized zone which included Saarbrucken, Aachen, and Trier. Shortly after daybreak on March 7, 1936, nearly twenty German …

  8. New Research Perspectives on the Allied Occupation of …

    Picture 1: Map showing the duration of the occupation in each region. Red hachure: Area occupied until 1926. Green hachure: Occupied until 1929. Yellow hachure: Occupied until 1930. Dotted areas: additionally occupied territories …

  9. Occupation of the Rhineland - Rhine Dragon

    The Rhineland remained demilitarized, and Allied troops occupied the left bank of the Rhine and the bridgeheads of Cologne (British sector), Koblenz (American sector) and Mainz (French sector) for a period of 5 to 15 years.

  10. Reoccupation of the Rhineland: International response

    In 1936 German forces marched over the River Rhine into the Rhineland. The Rhineland was designated a demilitarised zone by the Treaty of Versailles. Reoccupation of the area was a breach of the Treaty and of further Treaties …