When can I buy a Medigap policy? - Medicare
The best time to buy a Medigap policy is during your Medigap Open Enrollment Period. This is the 6-month period that starts the first day of the month you're 65 or older and signed up for Part B. After this period, your options to buy a Medigap policy may be limited and the policy may cost more. Find Local Medigap Policies
Get ready to buy - Medicare
Your Medigap Open Enrollment Period is a one-time enrollment period. It doesn’t repeat every year, like the Medicare Open Enrollment Period. Generally, your Medigap policy will begin the first of the month after you apply, but you can decide when you want it to start.
Get Medigap Basics - Medicare
You get a 6 month “Medigap Open Enrollment” period, which starts the first month you have Medicare Part B and you’re 65 or older. During this time, you can enroll in any Medigap policy and the insurance company can’t deny you coverage due to pre-existing health problems. After this period, you may not be able to buy a Medigap policy, or ...
How do I buy a Medigap policy? - Medicare
Health insurance companies must clearly identify a Medigap policy as "Medicare Supplement Insurance." Your best time to buy a policy is during your Medigap Open Enrollment Period. Follow these steps when you’re ready to buy a Medigap policy: Step 1 – Decide which plan you want. Compare the benefits of each lettered plan.
Buying a Medigap policy - Medicare
This is your Medigap Open Enrollment Period. You have 6 months after your Part B coverage starts to buy a policy. During this time, you can buy any Medigap policy sold in your state, even if you have health problems. If you’re under 65, you might not be able to buy a Medigap policy, or you may have to pay more. This is true even if you buy a ...
Special Enrollment Periods - Medicare
These chances to make changes are called Special Enrollment Periods. The types of changes you can make and the timing depend on your life event. If you have questions or need help making enrollment changes, call 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227). ... I dropped a Medigap policy the first time I joined a Medicare Advantage Plan and I'm still in a ...
When does Medicare coverage start? | Medicare
Your first chance to sign up (Initial Enrollment Period) Generally, when you turn 65. This is called your Initial Enrollment Period. It lasts for 7 months, starting 3 months before you turn 65, and ending 3 months after the month you turn 65.
Can I change my Medigap policy? - Medicare
Important: If you buy a Medigap policy during your 6-month Medigap Open Enrollment Period and decide you don’t like the policy during this period, you can switch to a different Medigap policy.When you get your new Medigap policy, you have 30 days to decide if you want to keep it (called a 30-day free look period). Don’t cancel your first Medigap policy until you’ve decided …
• During your Initial Enrollment Period when you first become eligible for Medicare, or when you turn 65. Go to page 2. • During certain yearly enrollment periods. Go to page 3. • Under certain circumstances if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period, as described below. Go to page 4. What’s a Special Enrollment Period?
Can I switch or drop my Medigap policy? - Medicare
Remember, in most cases, you won’t be able to switch your Medigap policy outside your 6-month Medigap Open Enrollment Period except in specific situations when you have a guaranteed issue right. Contact your State Insurance Department to find out if your state offers more opportunities for you to change your Medigap policy.