What is the difference between metric spaces and vector spaces?
I think the OP is confusing a vector space with a normed vector space,which indeed shares many properties of general metric spaces.And for a very simple reason: A norm induces a metric on the underlying set on which the map is defined.This is fairly simple to prove from the definitions and the questioner should try and do it.
What is the difference between topological and metric spaces?
A metric space gives rise to a topological space on the same set (generated by the open balls in the metric). Different metrics can give the same topology. A topology that arises in this way is a metrizable topology.
A good book for metric spaces? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
A good book for metric spaces specifically would be Ó Searcóid's Metric Spaces. However, note that while metric spaces play an important role in real analysis, the study of metric spaces is by no means the same thing as real analysis. A good book for real analysis would be Kolmogorov and Fomin's Introductory Real Analysis.
Understanding continuity in metric spaces - Mathematics Stack …
2017年7月26日 · I understand that the above definition of continuity in metric spaces is a very intuitive extension of the $\epsilon-\delta$ version. However, what I don't understand is that the above definition depends on what metric we are using in each metric space right?
Discrete metric spaces - Mathematics Stack Exchange
The second definition stated that a metric space $(D, \rho)$ is discrete if there exists some $\kappa > 0 ...
What's the relationship between a measure space and a metric …
The best I can think of, are: Given a metric space $(X,d)$, we can assign sigma-algebras. Borel Measure: This is the sigma algebra generated by the open sets generated by the open balls in the metric. Or, 2) Looking at some of the linked questions are that of a Hausdorff measure associated with a metric space:
Why are quotient metric spaces defined this way?
This is to ensure the triangle inequality. In your proposal, it can happen that $[p]$ and $[q]$ have nearby representatives and $[q]$ and $[r]$ have nearby representatives, but the two representatives of $[q]$ involved are different, so this doesn't guarantee that $[p]$ and $[r]$ have nearby representatives, so the triangle inequality may be violated.
general topology - Are all metric spaces topological spaces ...
$\begingroup$ It is not enough to show that you can associate a topological space with a metric space to show that a metric space is a topological space. After all, I can also associate a pink elephant with a metric space. That doesn't show that a …
A metric space is separable iff it is second countable
For one implication you have a countable base of your space. Take a point in every element of the base. Since every open set is union of elements of the base, every open sets contains one of the choosen points...
Why study metric spaces? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年5月29日 · The metric structure in a normed space is very special and possesses many properties that general metric spaces do not necessarily have. Metric spaces are also a kind of a bridge between real analysis and general topology. With every metric space there is associated a topology that precisely captures the notion of continuity for the given metric.