ASHRAE Modified Hunter Curve - Fixture Units *These items require 180°F hot water. The consumption figures are based on supplying 140°F water with a booster heater used to obtain 180°F water.
Hunter’s method of estimating load in plumbing systems is based on assigning a fixture unit weight (f/u) to the plumbing fixtures and then converting these to equivalent gallons per minute, based on the theory of probability of usage.
The risks of sizing plumbing systems using Hunter’s curve
2022年3月16日 · For more than 70 years, the Hunter’s Curve method has been used to size plumbing systems, including booster packages, supply and drainage piping, and storage tanks. When Roy B. Hunter first created this basic method of measuring a plum bing fixture’s water flow in duration of flow and the probability that it would be in use, it was a very ...
Reprinted from the 1987 ASHRAE Handbook–HVAC with permission from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. Hunter curves should be used for intermittent, insignificant fixtures only.
New Method Modernizes Hunter’s Curve Demand Estimates
2022年12月30日 · While it has been a dependable tool, Hunter’s Curve was recently modernized – with a new methodology and new features added to IAPMO’s Water Demand Calculator – to consider current trends for more efficient plumbing fixtures and lower flow rates.
Tech Talk - Hunter's Curve - Gustavo Preston Company
Why Use “Modified” Hunters Curve? Today’s toilets are designed to use approximately 1.28 gallons per flush whereas in 1940 when Hunters curve was developed it was not uncommon for toilets to 5 gallons or more per flush.
water consumers have changed. Consequently, it is now widely recognized that Hunter’s iconic design curve significantly over-estimates peak demand for indoor hot and cold water use. Inflated peak flow values have led to over-sized premise plumbing and improperly sized water meters, heaters, and softeners.
A New Approach to Sizing On-Demand Hot Water Systems
2024年8月5日 · Enter the Modified Hunter’s Curve (MHC). This sizing methodology evolved from the Hunter’s Curve developed in the 1940s by Dr. Roy B. Hunter of the National Bureau of Standards. The MHC centers around the theory of fixture diversity, which states that to accurately predict peak flow rate in a plumbing system, it is necessary to engage in ...
These two factors have prompted industry groups and manufacturers to offer Modified Hunters Curves which build upon the original work, but consider empirical data to reflect more realistic Fixture Unit values.
Modification of Hunter’s Curve in the Perspective of Water …
2013年6月5日 · In the present study, to obtain the optimal water demand of the plumbing system, Hunter’s curve has been modified by incorporating low flow rates of modern fixtures, the reduced probability of a modern fixture being on at any moment, and reduced CL in the binomial probability function as used by Hunter.