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Molar Mass Worksheet
6) What is the molar mass of MgO? 7) How are the terms “molar mass” and “atomic mass” different from one another? 8) Which is a better unit for expressing molar mass, “amu” or …
Molar Mass Practice Worksheet Find the molar masses of the following compounds: 1) NaBr 2) PbSO 4 3) Ca(OH) 2 4) Na 3 PO 4 5) (NH 4) 2 CO 3 6) C 6 H 12 O 6 7) Fe 3 (PO 4) 2 8) (NH …
Molar Mass Worksheet W 339 Everett Community College Tutoring Center Student Support Services Program Find the molar masses of the following compounds: 1) LiI 2) PbCO 4 3) …
Molar mass tells us the mass (“weight”) of 1 mol of an atom or compound. In each case we simply calculate the sum of the “weights” of the atoms in the formula to determine the weight of a …
Molar Mass Worksheet Calculate the molar mass of the following chemicals: 1) Cl2 2) KOH 3) BeCl2 4) FeCl3 5) BF3 6) CCl2F2 7) Mg(OH)2 8) UF6 9) SO2 10) H3PO4 11) (NH4)2SO4 12) …
What is the molar mass of MgO? How are the terms "molar mass" and "atomic mass" different from one another? Which is a better unit for expressing molar mass, or "grams/mole"? http …