Delving Into the Delta Loop! | QRZ Forums
2024年10月12日 · Delta loop antenna is simple to make if you have two high supports or two low supports and one high support. It has directivity along the broad side and a low noise level. 4:1 balun needed at feedpoint could be replaced by a quarter wave 75 Ohms matching section. Multi-band operation is feasible, with and without tuner.
Full wave 80m horizontal loop install - QRZ Forums
2021年6月20日 · Multi-Band - non-WARC bands without an AMU. Quiet (1 to 1.5 s-points quieter than a dipole, 2 s-points quieter than a vertical). Directional on bands above the frequency it's cut for (eg 2.5 dBD gain using a 40m loop on 20m).
Best HF Multiband Vertical Antenna? - QRZ Forums
2021年7月5日 · Great antenna, have mine set up for 80-10, can (and have) worked all bands, no tuner other than internal tuner on 80 as that band resonance is fairly narrow. Also have a Lite for portable ops. Bonus for Collum being fantastic to work with and a source for interesting content.
The BEST Multiband HF Antenna for Limited Spaces! - QRZ Forums
2021年10月28日 · It appears they have a matching circuit built in the 'controller' to keep the SWR low as you move across the band. That is a nice feature. The ground screen under the vertical is the biggest advantage it has over the usual Joe Ham installation. The laws of physics are not impressed by appearance.
What is a Symmetric Antenna Tuner? - QRZ Forums
2024年4月4日 · My previous blog post on multi-band delta loop antenna had a mention of symmetric tuner as the recommendation from one manufacturer. There is a detailed article with schematic diagram and photographs on Symmetrical Antenna Tuner by LY1O. According to the article, balanced L network is the way to build a balanced antenna tuner.
Loop Antennas Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde, N1UL, and Dr. Kai Siwiak, KE4PT Introduction Hiker hams often use vertical whip antennas in combination with a trailing dragged wire as a ground radial. This is described in K. Siwiak, KE4PT, “Ionospherica –How Dipoles Radiate – the Hiker’s ent Dipole,” QRP Quarterly, Spring 2014, pp 27-28. But how ...
Ham Radio - The Doublet. An old but good multi-band single …
2019年12月12日 · In support of the above from KR3DX, again from the DJ0IP website; the best way to transition from open wire or ladder line feed from an 80 meter half wave dipole is with a 1:1 balun in the coax at the site of transition between the two feedlines, then as short as possible run of coax to the conventional style antenna tuner.
How to Calculate Multiple Banded End Fed Half Wave (EFHW)
2023年2月23日 · There are engineering tricks to align the harmonic resonances on multiple bands but that isn't the only way to create a multi-band antenna that doesn't need a tuner. You could lengthen/shorten the far end of the EFHW as needed--no tuner required! You may be able to just fold back the wire to shorten it and have an acceptable SWR.
Excellent SSTV Image Received From Space Station With Delta …
2024年11月12日 · Excellent SSTV Image Received From Space Station With Delta Loop VHF Antenna! Discussion in 'Videos and Podcasts' started by VU2JO, Nov 12, 2024.
Lightening Bolt Delta Loop Antenna | QRZ Forums
2014年6月4日 · I need the assembly manual for the Lightening Bolt 5 Band Delta Loop antenna. If anyone has one I would like to hear from you. I would like to work a deal to get a copy. Contact me at [email protected] 73 Steven Garrett wb5tts