  1. Overnight Pulse Oximetry Test to Evaluate Oxygen …

    • Overnight oximetry is a simple test that can easily be done at home. It provides basic information that may be useful in initially evaluating whether you have one of the more common sleep disorders, like sleep apnea… 展开

    During The Test

    Pulse oximetry data are recorded continuously over the course of the night and will result in a graph. Your medical provider will be able to review it and determine if ther… 展开

    Verywell Health
    Interpreting Results

    In general, it is considered abnormal if the oxygen levels fall below: 1. 88% in adults 2. 9… 展开

    Verywell Health
    Overnight Oximetry Pros and Cons

    Overnight oximeter devices are becoming more widely available to consumers. They can be purchased online or even at pharmacies. Overnight oximetry is easy and inexpensive… 展开

    Verywell Health