A variety of non-neoplastic, tumor-like lesions occur in the ovary, some of which are listed in the World Health Organisation Classification of Female Genital Tumours, 5th edition (WHO 2020). The WHO-listed lesions are described briefly below, followed by a brief consideration of endometriosis.
了解详细信息:A variety of non-neoplastic, tumor-like lesions occur in the ovary, some of which are listed in the World Health Organisation Classification of Female Genital Tumours, 5th edition (WHO 2020). The WHO-listed lesions are described briefly below, followed by a brief consideration of endometriosis.
link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978 …Ovarian tumor and non-neoplastic lesions present a great challenge to Gynecological Oncologist. Certain non-neoplastic lesions of the ovary frequently form a pelvic mass and potentially mimic an ovarian neoplasm. Their proper recognition and classification is therefore important to allow appropriate therapy [6].
www.iaimjournal.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/…Non neoplastic lesions are mostly incidental findings. However the detailed knowledge of these lesions is helpful in the differential diagnosis of ovarian neoplasms.
link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-981-13-102…Six nonneoplastic ovarian lesions (or alterations) are associated with pregnancy or the puerperium, each of which can simulate a neoplasm on clinical, gross, or microscopic examination.
www.researchgate.net/publication/346684940_Non…Nonneoplastic—physiologic or reactive—conditions of the ovary may present as a mass lesion and mimic a malignant process clinically or radiologically and may result in a diagnostic dilemma on frozen section examination.
link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-2180…Non-neoplastic Lesions, Pathology of the Ovary | SpringerLink
仅显示来自 link.springer.com 的搜索结果Pathology of Ovary: Benign …
Non neoplastic lesions are mostly incidental findings. However the detailed …
Nonneoplastic Lesions of th…
Nonneoplastic—physiologic or reactive—conditions of the ovary may …
Nonneoplastic Lesions of th…
Nonneoplastic lesions of the ovary frequently form a pelvic mass and are …
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Pathology of Ovary: Benign Non Neoplastic Lesions
Nonneoplastic Lesions of the Ovary - ResearchGate
Nonneoplastic Lesions of the Ovary and Miscellaneous Primary …
Non-neoplastic lesions of the ovary review - Semantic Scholar
Non-Neoplastic Conditions of the Ovaries in Grossly Normal
Nonneoplastic Lesions of the Ovary | Request PDF - ResearchGate
Nonneoplastic Lesions of the Ovary | SpringerLink