NovaSeq X Series | Production scale, ultra-high-throughput
The NovaSeq X series helps moonshot projects become a reality—making affordable what was previously out of reach. Increase statistical power with broader study designs and larger sample cohorts. Maximize read numbers and increase sequencing depth for a higher resolution view that can detect low-frequency signals and variants.
NovaSeq X Specifications | Capacity for high-intensity genomics
The NovaSeq X Series achieves ultra-high-resolution imaging through higher numerical aperture, a custom CMOS sensor, and two-channel SBS with blue-green optics. The smaller wavelengths allow for tighter spacing between nanowells for up to 26 billion single reads on NovaSeq X …
The NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus Systems offer the throughput and accuracy needed to enable more data-intensive applications and deliver meaningful insights at scale. Performance on the NovaSeq X Series reduces the cost per gigabase (gb) by up to 60% compared to the NovaSeq 16000 System. The NovaSeq X Plus System
The technology advances built into the NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus Systems provide throughput and productivity gains that transform the economics of production-scale sequencing. Advanced chemistry, ultrahigh-resolution optics, integrated secondary analysis, and operational simplicity combine to make the NovaSeq X
NovaSeq X Series Enables Broader, Deeper Sequencing - Illumina
The NovaSeq X Series improves turnaround time and simplifies data analysis with DRAGEN onboard. Get results faster with up to 2.5× throughput compared to NovaSeq 6000 System and the ability to sequence 128 human whole genomes per run.
NovaSeq X Series Documentation - Illumina, Inc.
Instructions for operating and maintaining the NovaSeq X and NovaSeq X Plus Sequencing Systems, including preparing your site for delivery and installation.
NovaSeq X Series Virtual Tour | System Explorer
Innovative technologies. At Illumina, our goal is to apply innovative technologies to the analysis of genetic variation and function, making studies possible that were not even imaginable just a few years ago.
NovaSeq X Series Software and Informatics - Illumina
The NovaSeq X Series is the only ultra-high-throughput instrument with integrated variant calling onboard, simplifying your operations and accelerating your sequencing turnaround. Launch data analysis automatically, including FASTQ file generation, alignment, and variant calling.
Featured NovaSeq X Series Products & Services - Illumina, Inc.
Deeper studies, more samples, more modalities. The NovaSeq X and 25B flow cell make ultra-high depth multiomics more accessible. Learn more
NovaSeq X Applications and Methods | Application examples
The unmatched combination of production-scale throughput and cost enables deeper sequencing of larger sample cohorts. The NovaSeq X Plus system delivers up to 16 Tb of output, allowing sequencing of 128 human genomes at 30× coverage or 96 human genomes at 40× coverage per dual 25B flow cell run.