PSA: Use the Oculus Mirror application to show off Oculus Home
2017年12月13日 · By default, Oculus Home isn't shown on your desktop / monitor. In order to make it show up, you can run the Oculus Mirror app found here: C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics\OculusMirror.exe. I've seen this question pop up a few times, so I figured this solution could use some visibility.
PSA: Oculus Mirror on 1.15 now shows a single, undistorted view
2017年5月15日 · Before 1.15, the Oculus Mirror app would show you exactly what was being sent to the headset; two post-distortion eye views. Now, it shows a single undistorted 16:9 view (based from the right eye). This is helpful for when you want to mirror apps that don't have a mirror by default (Oculus Home, Google Earth, Virtual Desktop/Big Screen, Steam ...
How do you record footage for Quest Exclusives? : r/OculusQuest
2023年11月6日 · So for example Jurassic World Aftermath is a Quest exclusive game so it doesn't show up in the store when I'm using the Quest link but it does show up in the normal Quest store when I'm not using the link. But i need to use the link in order to use the oculus mirror so OBS can capture the window when recording and streaming.
Recording With OBS and Oculus Mirror: A Few Questions : …
2019年12月29日 · If the mirror will run fine and produce good quality footage, that's fine, I just need to know when I have to load up the mirror program and whether I load it alongside the Oculus app (as nobody in their videos etc actually clarifies that).
Guide: Mirroring Rift display using OBS : r/oculus - Reddit
2014年8月9日 · Instead below the preview screen there is a "Sources:" panel. Right click there, choose "Add" then "Game Capture" give it any name and click "Ok". You should then have a drop down. Pick the rift app you want to capture, hit refresh if the app isn't listed. Click ok. Start your preview, if you haven't already. Then alt tab over to your rift app.
Is there a way to make Oculus Mirror always on top? : r/oculus
2021年5月6日 · There are plenty of freeware apps that can make any app display on top of all others (as long as they are in windowed mode), just google "always on top Windows 10".
Is it possible to cast my PC to the Quest 2? : r/oculus - Reddit
2021年12月29日 · Yes either AirLink (free, part of oculus software package on PC) or Virtual Desktop (paid app, more features like using your oculus quest controllers as Xbox controller) will show your desktop on the quest 2
Is there a way to record standalone games with OBS?
2023年11月18日 · Title. Casting is the closest I found, but the bit rate is not consistent and always becomes pixelated. I tried the Oculus Mirror app but i'm only allowed to play Steam games. (AFAIK) I don't like the camera of the Quest because exporting the video footage is tedious.
Oculus mirror app is smooth but vr is laggy? : r/oculus - Reddit
2023年12月28日 · **The Oculus subreddit, a place for Oculus fans to discuss VR.** Members Online Star Wars Squadrons is $2.00 On Steam Winter Sale, VR is Great in It.
Easy way to send Oculus mirror to secondary display, and not
2021年11月22日 · Re: Oculus Mirror to a second monitor - Oculus Community - 820989 (oculusvr.com) I'm running an app on PC Oculus, through Quest 2 linked and if I run OculusMirror.exe from C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-diagnostics I can get it to pop up another window which mirrors the display. However it still has the full screen one on my …