ONMT – Office National Marocain du Tourisme
By end of December 2024, tourist arrivals added up to 17,4 million accounting for a 20% increase, compared with the same period in 2023. Your browser does not support the video tag.
Onmat is a cloud-based platform offering various services and solutions for businesses.
GitHub - OpenNMT/OpenNMT-py: Open Source Neural Machine Translation …
OpenNMT-py is the PyTorch version of the OpenNMT project, an open-source (MIT) neural machine translation (and beyond!) framework. It is designed to be research friendly to try out …
Framework — OpenNMT-py documentation
Implements a trainable interface for a simple, generic encoder / decoder or decoder only model. Forward propagate a src and tgt pair for training. src (Tensor) – A source sequence passed to encoder. Typically for input this will be a padded LongTensor of size (batch, len, features).
OpenNMT - Open-Source Neural Machine Translation
OpenNMT is an open source ecosystem for neural machine translation and neural sequence learning. Started in December 2016 by the Harvard NLP group and SYSTRAN, the project has since been used in several research and industry applications. It is currently maintained by SYSTRAN and Ubiqus.
Quickstart — OpenNMT-py documentation - Machine Translation
To get started, we propose to download a toy English-German dataset for machine translation containing 10k tokenized sentences: cd toy-ende. The data consists of parallel source (src) and target (tgt) data containing one sentence per line with tokens separated by a space: Validation files are used to evaluate the convergence of the training.
OpenNMT - Community Forum
2024年8月6日 · Discussion and support for OpenNMT, an open source ecosystem for neural machine translation.
Best Of – ONMT
ONMT & RyanAir – Agadir – 2021. Tourism Marketing Days Pro – Casablanca – 2021. Reveal light in action by ONMT. SITEMAP. Light in Action Campaigns Awards Best Of. Keynotes Awards Studies. USEFUL LINKS. www.visitmorocco.com www.ntla9awfbladna.ma www.mtaess.gov.ma www.cnt.ma. SITEMAP. Light in Action Campaigns Best Of Awards Keynotes
ONMT, CNT Join Forces To Revive, Expand Moroccan Tourism Sector
2022年4月16日 · ONMT further committed to supporting the digitization of the tourism sector by training operators on the importance of digital marketing and big data in attracting tourists from around the world.
Light in action – ONMT
The MNTO sets out to conquer the Japanese tourism market. The MNTO puts « Rabat, City of Light » in the starting-blocks of French Tour Operators. The MNTO holds its Board of Directors meeting under the sign of dynamism.