Optic nerve (CN II): Anatomy, pathway and histology - Kenhub
2023年8月16日 · This article will review the embryology, anatomy, histology, and blood supply of the optic nerve, as well as briefly discuss the optic tracts. The visual reflexes, optic radiation, and some relevant pathologies will also be discussed.
Anatomy - The Ocular Circulation - NCBI Bookshelf - National …
The vascular supply of the optic nerve is complex . The optic nerve has three zones referenced to the lamina cribosa, the connective tissue extension of the sclera through which the optic nerve axons and the central retinal artery and vein pass.
Blood supply of the optic nerve head and its role in optic …
Blood supply of the optic nerve head and its role in optic atrophy, glaucoma, and oedema of the optic disc. These references are in PubMed. This may not be the complete list of references from this article. CRISTINI G. Common pathological basis of …
Blood vessels and nerves of the eye: Anatomy - Kenhub
2023年7月25日 · The main blood supply of the eye arises from the ophthalmic artery, which gives off orbital and optical group branches. Innervation of the eyeball and surrounding structures is provided by the optic, oculomotor, trochlear, abducens and trigeminal cranial nerves.
Blood Supply of the Optic Nerve Head - Ento Key
2016年10月28日 · The blood supply in this region is sectoral (Figs. 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11), which agrees with the overall segmental distribution of the PCA circulation (see Chap. 4), as well as with the segmental nature of visual loss in ONH ischemic disorders, e.g., …
Blood supply of the optic nerve head - PubMed
The subject of the blood supply of the optic nerve head (ONH) is reviewed briefly. The circulation of the posterior ciliary artery is the main source of blood supply to the ONH, except for the surface nerve fiber layer which is supplied by the retinal circulation.
Blood Supply of the Optic Nerve - SpringerLink
2011年1月1日 · Based on the blood supply of the optic nerve, for descriptive purposes, the entire length of the optic nerve can be divided into the following parts: Optic nerve head. Intraorbital part. Intracanalicular part. Intracranial part.
Vascular Supply to the eye Diagram - An Eye Care Blog
2024年3月19日 · Retinal Vessels: The inner layers of the retina receive their blood supply from the central retinal artery, a branch of the ophthalmic artery that enters the eye with the optic nerve. The central retinal vein is responsible for draining the deoxygenated blood from the retina.
The blood supply of the optic nerve head and the evaluation of it ...
The objective of this paper is to differentiate myths and misconceptions from reality about the ONH blood supply; to elucidate the reasons for disagreement on the blood supply of the ONH; and to evaluate the reliability and validity of various …
Retinal Vascularization and OCT-Angiography Interpretation
Its drainage is carried out into the central retinal vein, which receives blood from the optic nerve. The supply of oxygen to the outer third of the retina (avascular) is the responsibility of the choroid, which in turn receives its blood supply from the short and long PCA.