Palisades State Park | South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks
Palisades State Park is one of the most unique areas in South Dakota. Split Rock Creek, which flows through the park, is lined with Sioux quartzite formations varying from shelves several feet above the water to 50-foot vertical cliffs.
Find a State Park | South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks
Hunting, Fishing or Camping in South Dakota? The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks' website has the outdoor related information you need. Buy your license, apply for a big game tag and reserve your campsite on-line.
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Palisades State Park is one of the most unique areas in South Dakota. The Split Rock Creek, which flows through the park, is lined with Sioux quartzite for-mations varying from shelves several feet above the water to 50-foot vertical cliffs. Scenic overlooks, rock climbing, five hiking trails and rushing water make
Find a State Park | South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks
Hunting, Fishing or Camping in South Dakota? The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks' website has the outdoor related information you need. Buy your license, apply for a big game tag and reserve your campsite on-line.
Palisades State Park South Wall Trail Type of trail: Hiking and rock climbing access Trail surface: Dirt and mowed grass Rated: Somewhat difficult, strenuous in some areas (some slippery rock-steps and stairs - steep sections) Fee required: Park Entrance Fee Length of trail in miles: .4 mile
Search | South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks
Hunting, Fishing or Camping in South Dakota? The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks' website has the outdoor related information you need. Buy your license, apply for a big game tag and reserve your campsite on-line.
Search | South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks
Hunting, Fishing or Camping in South Dakota? The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks' website has the outdoor related information you need. Buy your license, apply for a big game tag and reserve your campsite on-line.
Search | South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks
Hunting, Fishing or Camping in South Dakota? The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks' website has the outdoor related information you need. Buy your license, apply for a big game tag and reserve your campsite on-line.
Search | South Dakota Game, Fish, and Parks
Hunting, Fishing or Camping in South Dakota? The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks' website has the outdoor related information you need. Buy your license, apply for a big game tag and reserve your campsite on-line.