The Pee-wee Herman Show is a stage show developed by Paul Reubens in 1980. The show is the first significant appearance of Reubens' fictional comic character, Pee-wee Herman.
Reubens developed his Pee-wee character at the Groundlings. After a failed audition for Saturday Night Live, Reubens debuted a stage show starring Pee-wee, The Pee-wee Herman Show, in …
"The Pee-Wee Herman Show", a 1981 comedy special starring Pee-Wee Herman and his friends in an adult version of the children's television show, "Pee-wee's...
The Pee-Wee Herman Show: Directed by Paul Reubens, Marty Callner. With Paul Reubens, John Moody, John Paragon, Tito Larriva. Comedy special starring Pee-Wee Herman and his friends …
4 天之前 · He began his career in comedy with the Groundlings troupe in Los Angeles, then created a stage show in L.A. as the Pee-wee Herman character. Titled The Pee-wee Herman …
Pee-wee Herman is a comedy character created and portrayed by the American comedian Paul Reubens. He starred in films and television series during the 1980s. The childlike Pee-wee …
The Pee-wee Herman Show is a stage show developed by Paul Reubens in 1980. It marks the first significant appearance of his comedic fictional character, Pee-wee Herman, five years …