WPS500X Pressure Sensor for Automotive Diagnostics - Pico auto
Use the WPS500X with PicoScope to reveal how your engine is actually performing with minimal intrusion. Compression, airflow, valve timing and back pressure can all be measured in one hit.
Pico PP652 WPS500X Pressure Transducer - AESwave.com
Designed to offer uncompromising resolution and accuracy, the Pico automotive diagnostic pressure transducer allows quick and accurate pressure analysis of many automotive systems, with: * three pressure ranges * a zoom tool * integrated bleed-off / pressure relief valve. Accurately measure pressure to 500psi. Ultra fast 100 μ S response time
WPS500X Feature | Pico Technology - Pico auto
The three pressure ranges of the WPS500X allow accurate measurement and analysis of many automotive pressures including cylinder compression, fuel pressure, intake manifold vacuum and even pulses from the exhaust.
WPS500X Accessories - Pico auto
With the unparalleled resolution and accuracy of the WPS500X Automotive Pressure Transducer you can perform quick and accurate pressure analysis of many automotive systems. The WPS500X features an extremely fast, 100 µs, response time from 0% to 90% of full scale, and sensitivity down to about 0.07 psi (5 mbar).
WPS500X Pressure Transducer from vacuum to 34bar - Garage …
Use the WPS500X with PicoScope to reveal how your engine is actually performing with minimal intrusion. Compression, airflow, valve timing and back pressure can all be measured in one hit.
WPS500X Standard Pressure Transducer Kit with Carry Case(PP939)
WPS500X Pressure Transducer with accessories for compression, fuel, exhaust pulse and vacuum testing. This kit includes the protective end caps – an Autonerdz exclusive.
Pico WPS500X Pressure Transducer Kit #PP939 - Auto Test Tools
The WPS500X features an extremely fast 100 µs response time from 0% to 90% of full scale and sensitivity down to about 0.07 psi (5 mbar). This provides you with an accurate representation of rapidly changing signals that span a broad pressure range.
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WPS500X - Pico auto
The WPS500X automotive diagnostic pressure transducer allows quick and accurate pressure analysis of many automotive systems. It can be used for many different pressure diagnostic applications, saving the need to own several transducers for different applications.
WPS500X Maxi Transducer Kit (with carry case) (Pico PQ038)
The Pico WPS500X Maxi kit allows you to purchase the WPS500X Automotive Pressure Transducer together with a full set of hoses and adapters, giving you the maximum possible flexibility available.
Pico WPS 500X Transducer kit (carry case) - AE Tools & Computers
The Pico WPS500X Maxi Kit combines the WPS500X Automotive Pressure Transducer with a comprehensive set of hoses and adapters for ultimate flexibility in diagnostics.