Polish State Railway (PKP) own the majority (approximately 90%) of the railway stations in use, and one of the Company's priorities is to ensure a high standard of service, including safety for …
PKP Group was established in 2001 as a result of the restructuring of the state-owned enterprise Polskie Koleje Państwowe (Polish State Railways) and was later transformed into a holding …
PKP S.A. operates over 2500 railway stations, 600 of which are used for the purposes of passenger traffic. PKP S.A. renovates stations on an ongoing basis – not only are they …
property management and railway lands reclamation, management of railway stations including control over their development and modernization processes. Contact to PKP SA departments
Railway-road crossings are marked with yellow stickers on which there are three basic data: individual identification number of the road-rail crossing enabling its quick location, emergency …
PKP S.A. pełni nadzór właścicielski nad spółkami Grupy PKP w celu zapewnienia jak najwyższej jakości obsługi transportowo-logistycznej pasażerów i towarów.
Kluczowym zadaniem PKP S.A. jest zapewnienie wysokiego standardu usług na dworcach kolejowych. Spółka realizuje szeroko zakrojony program modernizacji dworców