MPL ProAssurance Home
What you want in medical professional liability, legal professional liability, or workers’ compensation insurance is ProAssurance’s focus. We work to ensure you are treated fairly while striving to make insurance simpler.
ProAssurance Group
ProAssurance Group is an industry-leading specialty insurer with extensive expertise in healthcare professional liability, products liability for medical technology and life sciences, legal professional liability, and workers’ compensation insurance.
Medical Professional Liability Insurance | ProAssurance Group
Consider how ProAssurance can help you achieve your insurance and business goals with our flexible insurance solutions. Depending on the size of your risk, ProAssurance offers: Traditional approaches, including first-dollar coverage, deductible …
About Us - ProAssurance
At ProAssurance, you will experience superior malpractice claims handling and effective risk management resources—backed by the financial strength of one of the nation’s top professional liability carriers.
Contact Us - ProAssurance
Contact any of our office locations or send us a message and we'll make sure your correspondence is routed to the right person. The toll-free number is 800-282-6242. ProAssurance offices are open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. (local time) Monday through Friday.
About Us - ProAssurance Group
ProAssurance Group is an industry-leading specialty insurer with extensive expertise in healthcare liability, products liability for medical technology and life sciences, legal professional liability, and workers' compensation insurance.
ProAssurance - Wikipedia
ProAssurance Corporation, headquartered in Birmingham, Alabama, is a property and casualty company that sells professional liability insurance to doctors. The company was founded in 1976 as Mutual Assurance and was later renamed to Medical Assurance in 1997.
MPL ProAssurance Agents Home
What you want in medical professional liability, legal professional liability, or workers’ compensation insurance is ProAssurance’s focus. We work to ensure you are treated fairly while striving to make insurance simpler.
ProAssurance Risk Management
The ProAssurance Risk Management department is here to help you promote patient safety, minimize risk, and improve defensibility of claims by providing comprehensive assessment and training resources that are relevant and easy to share.
NORCAL Group - Medical Professional Liability Insurance
NORCAL Group, now part of ProAssurance, offers a full spectrum of medical professional liability insurance solutions to physicians and other healthcare providers.