Presented in the table below are some common Q-Codes used by radio amateurs. These codes were found on the inside cover of a 1965 ARRL Amateur Radio Station Log Book. Q Codes marked with an " * " are the most commonly used today.
Ham radio Q codes, also known as ham radio Q signals, are worldwide abbreviations that amateurs use to shorten communication. Initially, only radiotelegraph operators could use the three-letter codes.
Our complete list of all Ham Radio Q Codes. Quickly find Q Codes and their meaning using the Search Box! Also, download the pdf version here: ham radio Q Codes pdf
Here’s a list of the Q-codes that are still in use on the ham bands today: QRL / QRL? – I am busy. / Are you busy? The most common usage for this Q-signal is to ask if a frequency is in use before beginning to call CQ or another station. The station wishing to …
2023年7月16日 · Key Q Codes in Ham Radio. Let’s explore some commonly used Q codes in ham radio communication: QRL: Indicates whether a frequency is in use. If asked as a question, it means “Is this frequency in use?” and as a statement, it means “This frequency is in use.” QRZ: Used to ask for the calling station’s identity. “Who is calling me?”