Retroclival hematoma | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
2021年8月11日 · A retroclival hematoma is a collection of blood located along the dorsum sellae and clivus which may reach the dens. It has been classified into either an epidural or subdural retroclival hematoma depending on the anatomical location of the blood accumulation.
Retroclival hematomas in adult patients: A systematic review of a …
2022年12月1日 · Adulthood retroclival hematomas (RCHs) constitute a rare condition characterized by intracranial bleeding along the posterior aspect of the clivus within potential anatomical spaces anterior to the brainstem.
Pediatric Retroclival Epidural Hematoma in the Acute Trauma
2021年4月7日 · A traumatic retroclival epidural hematoma is a rare imaging finding of severe cervical flexion-extension injury in the pediatric population. The purpose of our study was to identify pediatric patients with a retroclival epidural hematoma, record the hematoma size and extent, and examine the major craniocervical ligaments for injury.
Isolated traumatic retroclival hematoma: case report and review …
We report a pediatric patient who sustained a retroclival hematoma (with both subdural and epidural components) after a motor vehicle crash and provide a review of the available English literature, emphasizing the pathophysiology of injury and the appropriate clinical management.
Retroclival epidural hematoma: A rare location of epidural hematoma …
Retroclival epidural hematoma is most commonly caused by trauma and may present with focal neurological deficit, particularly cranial nerve palsy. Most cases are associated with craniocervical fracture/dislocations or ligamentous injuries.
Traumatic Retroclival Subdural Hematoma | Journal of the …
2023年8月30日 · We can categorize retroclival hematomas into subdural and epidural hematomas, with the latter being more frequent. The most common cause is craniocervical trauma. Other possible causes include pituitary hypoplexia and coagulopathy [ 1 ].
A traumatic retroclival epidural hematoma is a rare imaging finding of severe cervical flexion-extension injury in the pediatric population. The purpose of our study was to identify pediatric patients with a retroclival epidural hematoma, record the hematoma size and extent, and examine the major craniocervical liga-ments for injury.
Traumatic Retroclival Subdural Hematoma - PMC - National …
We can categorize retroclival hematomas into subdural and epidural hematomas, with the latter being more frequent. The most common cause is craniocervical trauma. Other possible causes include pituitary hypoplexia and coagulopathy [ 1 ].
Retroclival subdural hematoma in adults | Acta Neurologica Belgica
2024年3月3日 · Retroclival subdural hematoma (RcSDH) is a rare medical condition that accounts for only 0.3% of acute extra-axial hematomas. It can be caused by various factors such as traumatic motor vehicle accidents (MVA), pituitary apoplexy, oral anticoagulant or contraceptive therapy, severe hypertension, thrombocytopenia, or bleeding from posterior ...
Retroclival Hematoma - The Journal of Pediatrics
Epidural hematomas of the posterior cranial fossa are relatively rare, and the majority of these cases present in childhood. 1 The most frequent cause is a trauma with hyperflexion or hyperextension of the neck. These dynamics can cause detachment of the tectorial membrane from the clivus and venous bleeding.