Ripple Impact will help you: transform into a recognized authority in your industry. level up your branding to reflect your worth, helping your business and audience grow.
Ripple Impact’s journey is a story of evolution and response to a changing world. As the landscape of work and entrepreneurship had been undergoing a seismic shift, we noticed a growing trend: professionals with rich experience and expertise are …
– 1-Year Access to our Ripple Impact Community. Add to cart. Professional Speaking Accelerator $ 5,000.00. Are you looking to turn professional speaking into one of your revenue streams? We’ll help accelerate you from being a mostly pro bono speaker to a professionally paid speaker. We’ll teach you the nuts and bolts of the professional ...
Need a logo and brand identity? We’ll help you bring a professionally designed brand identity to life that’s focused on your core values. We’ll design your logo and bring together typography, textures and a color palette aligned to your vision.
Do you have a lot of drive but need some direction? Doing things strategically makes all the difference to seamlessly execute. Our strategy sessions will take you from problem to breakthrough.
Want to transform your LinkedIn profile to reposition you for where you’re headed? We’ll do a strategy session to understand your goals and revamp your LinkedIn profile content and improve the look and feel.