- It has a superb flavour and a more tender texture than regular broccoli and grows exceptionally well in cool northern areas. Sow the seeds in early May in half deep drills spaced 12 inches apart.www.plant-world-seeds.com/store/view_seed_item/1747/cauliflower-romanesc…
Romanesco Cauliflower - Johnny's Selected Seeds
Amazon.com: Romanesco Seeds
Romanesco Broccoli Seed - Gurney's
Romanesco Broccoli Seeds (Organic) - Grow Organic
Romanesco Broccoli Seeds - Park Seed
Widely grown in northern Italy, Romanesco Broccoli is grown as a flower or head vegetable. Highly ornamental as well as edible, the cauliflower-type plant sets bright green heads that have a nutty flavor and can be eaten raw or cooked.
Amazon.com: Romanesco Broccoli Seeds
Organic Romanesco Broccoli Seeds - The Living Seed …
The Living Seed Company's Organic Romanesco Broccoli seeds: a must-have for any vegetable garden! This unique and visually stunning vegetable is a cross between broccoli and cauliflower, with a gorgeous lime-green color and …
Romanesco Cauliflower - Organic - Seed Savers Exchange
Plant Romanesco seeds and enjoy the variety's stunning apple-green whorled heads, which have a better taste and texture than most of the finest cauliflower. Widely grown and prized in Italy.
Romanesco | Vegetable Seeds in Packets
Grow Heirloom Broccoli - Romanesco Broccoli Seeds. Requiring growing conditions and care akin to other broccoli, similarities between Romanesco and other broccoli varieties end there. …
Romanesco Broccoli - Victory Seeds® – …
romanesco broccoli or roman cauliflower - heirloom, open-pollinated, non-hybrid victory seeds®