Home | SGH | Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie - SGH …
The SGH Warsaw School of Economics has been offering study programmes of the highest quality since 1906. The SGH Diploma is the very distinction for which applicants strive every year.
Postgraduate and MBA studies - SGH Warsaw School of Economics
SGH Warsaw School of Economics is the oldest and most prestigious economic university in Poland and one of the best of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe. Graduating from SGH ensures a well-developed skill set focused on applicable knowledge and competencies required from modern day managers and experts in their fields.
International programs incoming students - SGH Warsaw School …
Die SGH Warsaw School of Economics lädt ganz herzlich alle Studierende verschiedener Fachrichtungen auf der Bachelor- und Masterstufe aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, Polen und anderen Ländern zur 10. deutschsprachigen deutsch-polnischen Sommerschule ein
Admission to graduate studies in English for international applicants
SGH Warsaw School of Economics welcomes applications for admissions from students from all around the world. This page will show you how to apply to programmes in English as an international applicant.
Educational offer | SGH | Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
Obtain one of the university diplomas most appreciated by employers –the SGH Warsaw School of Economics diploma
Dołącz do najlepszych i skorzystaj z nieograniczonych możliwości planowania swojej przyszłości zawodowej. Wybierz studia magisterskie w SGH.
Bachelor studies International Economics | SGH - SGH Warsaw …
The SGH Warsaw School of Economics was the first university in Poland to introduce studies in International Economics (then: international economic relations). They cover not only the political issues of international cooperation, but they primarily concentrate on economic relations between states, international organizations and companies.
Classes schedules - SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Doctoral School, and postgraduate programmes at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics in the summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024
First-cycle studies - SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Check out our special offer of courses at SGH organized by SGH faculty members together with business partners.
Rankings | SGH | Szkoła Główna Handlowa w Warszawie
SGH Warsaw School of Economics, just behind the Faculty of Management at University of Warsaw and Kozminski University, was among the highest-rated business universities in Poland, according to the latest ranking by Eduniversal, a global agency specializing in evaluating educational institutions.