Sam has two comedy specials: Waiting For Death to Claim Us (available on Amazon Prime) and The Toad’s Morale (available on the Matt and Shane’s Secret Podcast YouTube). He also has a travel show, Wide World, on YouTube. He lives in Detroit and …
sam tallent's wide world: fat flaneur commemorative t-shirt screenprinted in the u.s.a. on heavyweight hanes beefy& tees. sizes range from m-xxxl. no smalls. grow up! we took our time with these. you'll look cultured and like you consume unique media.
SAM TALLENT. Open Menu Close Menu. SAM TALLENT. Open Menu Close Menu. Store DEVIL’S NIGHT LINO PRINTS. DEVIL’S NIGHT LINO PRINTS $30.00 Printed these because they’re cool. Total of 51. All numbered. I’ll work hard so one day they’re worth more than you paid for them. Quantity: