Deep Fried Desire - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team ... - Team Fortress 2
The Deep Fried Desire is a special taunt for the Scout. When the player initiates the taunt in the taunt menu, the Scout pulls out a striped bucket of chicken and holds it underneath his right arm. He proceeds to pick up a drumstick and take a bite out of it before saying a voice line.
Deep Fried Desire | Wiki | Team Fortress 2 Amino
The Deep Fried Desire is an Action taunt for the Scout. When the player initiates the taunt in the taunt menu, the Scout pulls out a striped bucket of chicken and holds it underneath his right arm.
"I gotta bucket of chicken and I'm here to kick ass! And I'm all …
2022年11月16日 · "I gotta bucket of chicken and I'm here to kick ass! And I'm all outta..." (Scout Voice Lines)
Scout eats a bucket of chicken and lives - YouTube
#tf2 #animation #memeScout TF2 turns into Heavy TF2 after eating bucket of chicken???Slightly modified the audio from: https://youtu.be/D29pMuRqP-AMusic: htt...
Deep-Fried Dummy - Official TF2 Wiki | Official Team ... - Team Fortress 2
I've got a bucket of fried chicken AND a chicken suit! Chicks DIG a man in a suit! The Deep-Fried Dummy is a community-created item set for the Scout. The set includes the following items:
What does the Scout's "Got a bucket of chicken" line imply?
2020年10月30日 · What does the Scout's "Got a bucket of chicken" line imply? My skull is as dummy thicc and my brain is dummy. What does that pickup line in Expiration Date mean? It implies nothing, as far as I can tell. They both had chicken, so he asked if she wanted to smash. You want... sum fuck?
Years later I finally understand the joke. Bucket of chicken ... - Reddit
2023年2月23日 · Bucket of chicken = Fuck-it of dickin' You can use the corpse carrier and killbind into a wall to have gay scout sex tf2 (real). Trust me, tf2 sex update already happened. Exactly, and I love it because of that… You don’t say? The tf2 community is unhinged? Somebody ran a survey asking who was the hottest faction leader. Eugh...
What Did Scout and That Girl in the Fast Food Resturant Do In ... - Reddit
A few years back, Valve unexpectedly released the short film Experation Date. For a brief moment there was a scene with Scout and an anonymous girl in cash register of a KFC like restaurant. Scout says "We've both got buckets of chicken. Wanna do it?" And the girl's like "Eh, okay." What did they do exactly? Eat the chicken together? Toss them out?
Has someone ever used Scout's pickup line - Steam Community
2023年1月10日 · As most of us all know in TF2 lore, scout picked up girls with these lines: "We both got a bucket of chicken, want to do it" or "Hey there good looking I got a bucket of fried chicken." Any chance this worked for you or have you ever used it before? What were the results?
I Got a Bucket of Chicken! But I can't figure out how to get it out …
2016年5月3日 · Hello, I was recently working on an SFM project that involves a Scout holding the bucket of chicken from the Deep Fried Desire taunt. I was wondering if anyone knows how to rig the bucket to the actual Scout's hands.