New 2-Meter Simplex Club - QRZ Forums
2007年10月28日 · The net starts at 7:30pm EST (00:30UTC) and is in the Atlantic City Area. Since my simplex nets started simplex activity has increased in the South Jersey area near Atlantic City. wf5tx Good luck on your simplex project. A hope you get hams using 2 Meter simplex like I did. 73 de Rick KC2ESD
Light Up 2 Meters Night, an FM Simplex Event - QRZ Forums
2021年2月21日 · area, since 2 Meter FM Simplex works best for local operating, so share this announcement on your local nets, local club meetings, and on your social media, web site, and other electronic sources. The operating frequency for Light Up 2 Meters Night will depend on your local area, of course, 146.52 is the go-to for calling in the USA, and 145.500 in
How To Program The Yaesu FT5 with ADMS-14 And Front Panel
2021年11月4日 · This video shows you how to program both simplex and repeater frequencies into the Yaesu FT5 Programming From Front Panel And Computer. The software used is from Yaesu and is the ADMS-14. Best part about this software is that it is free to download. However, you will need the SCU-19 programming cable.
Loss of two meter simplex frequencies IMMINENT in Texas!
2011年7月19日 · Texas two meter simplex users stand to lose a large portion of available frequencies if proposed changes to the two meter band plan are passed by the Texas VHF-FM Society. In an effort to make room for D-Star repeater pairs, the Society has proposed a revised band plan that will take spectrum from two meter simplex users statewide.
Fort Wayne, Indiana Simplex Contest | QRZ Forums
2020年2月13日 · Fort Wayne, Indiana Simplex Contest Discussion in ' Contests, DXpeditions, QSO Parties, Special Events ' started by KD9TED , Mar 22, 2024 . KD9TED Ham Member QRZ Page
New Amateur Radio Watch Net Established in Lee County / …
2022年4月5日 · If ARES or Local Government Needs to use our Repeater, we will relinquish it immediately and announce a new one. We ask every participant, that is able, to also Monitor the 2Meter Call Channel (146.520MHz, Simplex, No PL) to Provide Assistance, Local Information, Directions, or Relays to Any Hams in the Area. Alerts
Most Used Frequencies for Summits on the Air Activations
2021年2月26日 · I love doing VHF SOTA. It's fun to see how far you can get from summits. I've reached repeaters over 100 miles away with a Diamond SRH770 antenna, and had simplex QSOs upwards of 150 miles with a 3 element beam. I had 17 2m QSOs this past Saturday from the highest point in Georgia, but I also enjoy running CW.
Loss of two meter simplex frequencies IMMINENT in Texas!
2011年7月19日 · So, by my reasoning, if a simplex frequency is regularly occupied PRIOR to some coordination body's "recommending" a frequency for repeater use, then the coordination council erred. They can't just up and declare a regularly and currently used frequency for someone else's use when the frequency is already in use.
Loss of two meter simplex frequencies IMMINENT in Texas!
2011年7月19日 · In case you haven't been following, the issue is not in any way about any "lack of activity." The issue is about a lack of authority to control simplex frequencies (regardless of the band in question) and to replace existing Part 97 FCC rules with their own pseudo set of rules and band plans, which FCC licensed radio amateurs are supposed to follow.
Echolink Node 145.550 Simplex, Mesa, AZ | QRZ Forums
2004年8月30日 · Connect to Node 27619 on 145.550 simplex, Mesa, AZ and call CQ anytime 73, Dan KG4PRF [email protected] .