Survey of Income and Program Participation Codebook - Census.gov
2021年10月8日 · Online codebook tool for searching SIPP metadata. The codebooks provide information about the public use files and includes descriptive information on all of the SIPP variables.
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) - Census.gov
2024年10月23日 · Information and materials for SIPP data users. Online codebook tool for searching SIPP metadata. The U.S. Census Bureau held a free, virtual conference on March 21, 2024 highlighting policy and programmatic uses of SIPP data. The U.S. Census Bureau held a workshop on April 12, 2023 at PAA 2023.
Codebook - Census.gov
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• SIPP data are available in STATA, SAS, and pipe-delimited text format on the SIPP Datasets pages • The Online Codebook and Data Dictionaries provide metadata for all variables, including those discussed in this guide • SIPP User Notes provide nuances, notes, and data issues that users should be aware of
This codebook documents version 5.0 of the SIPP Synthetic Beta (SSB). The SSB is a set of files containing individual‐level data synthesized from linked survey and administrative data.
Codebook for SIPP Synthetic Beta version 5.0
The SSB is a set of files containing individual‐level data synthesized from linked survey and administrative data. The SSB is produced by the US Census Bureau as part of a joint project with the Social Security Administration (SSA), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
SIPP Synthetic Beta v7 - CED2AR - Cornell University
2018年9月1日 · Codebook for the SIPP Synthetic Beta 7.0 [Codebook file]. Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research and Labor Dynamics Institute [distributor]. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2018
The SIPP Synthetic Beta (SSB) is a Census Bureau product that integrates person-level micro-data from a household survey with administrative tax and benefit data. These data link respondents from the Survey of Income and Program
Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) | NBER
The SAS, SPSS, and Stata files were created by [email protected] at the NBER to make easier access to the Census' Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP) Data Files. Recent data files are also available at the Census and BLS Data Download page.
2023 SIPP Data - Census.gov
2024年7月11日 · Online codebook tool for searching SIPP metadata. Notes, nuances, and data issues that SIPP users should be aware of. The main 2023 SIPP survey response microdata file, available in SAS, Stata, and pipe-delimited-text formats, all compressed as .zip archives.