Short vs Long sentences - Creative Writing Forums
2008年10月10日 · Depends on the effect you want. I guess literary fiction of late has favoured overly long sentences with plenty of run-ons, but really there isn't a general rule or anything....if you need long sentences, use them, and vice versa, but definitely mix it up, and experiment with the effects of changing syntax and sentence length and type.
When you disagree with an editor... - Writing Forums
2024年8月9日 · 1: "I was sitting in the chair when Eric entered" vs. 2: "I sat in the chair when Eric entered." No. 2 is misleading, because it suggests that it was only when Eric entered that I sat in the chair, whereas I was actually in the chair already. 1: "A social consciousness was developing" vs. 2: "A social consciousness developed."
Historical Fiction or Faction? - Creative Writing Forums
2013年3月7日 · All this talk of fiction vs faction reminds me of New Adult vs Young Adult, and what even falls under YA. I never looked up nor grasped the difference between NA and YA. And then technically YA should have protags who are still in their teens, up to eighteen, but then there's books sold in the YA category with protags who are in their 20s.
Earnt/Earned, Learnt/Learned - Creative Writing Forums
2007年3月31日 · As I understand it, with earnt/earned, and learnt/learnt, the -t spellings are older, British uses. The -ed spellings are, I believe, the only valid US spellings, but in British English are still valid.
Foggy forest VS Misty woods, which is better? - Writing Forums
2017年2月19日 · Foggy forest VS Misty woods, which is better? Discussion in ' Word Mechanics ' started by QQinfinity , Feb 15, 2017 . I'm currently trying to describe a place which is both foggy and has lots of trees.
To capitalize or to not capitalize? - Creative Writing Forums
2017年3月29日 · Like, I'd capitalize "the Bronze Age" but I wouldn't capitalize "the age with all the bronze". Proper noun vs. description So for "primordial"... I think you're describing something that happened near the beginning of time. But if there's an actual family of gods called the Primordials, then, yes, I'd consider it a proper noun and capitalize it.
Here or there in past tense? - Creative Writing Forums
2010年10月29日 · Here and There in past tense. It was very hot there/here. Since the location is often known, the use of 'here/there' is redundant most times.
A study of Metrical Writing, Part 6: The Caesura, an Introduction.
2017年6月29日 · Before we can move onto the more advanced aspects of Meter, we need to talk about the Caesural pause. I see a lot of confusion when talking about the Caesural pause, but it is rather simply: It is when there is a pause in the Rhythm of a line due...
Writing vs Talking of Writing | Creative Writing Forums - Writing …
2008年8月11日 · Writing vs Talking of Writing. Discussion in 'General Writing' started by KurtistheTurtle, Jun 25, 2009.
posting online = publishing? - Creative Writing Forums
2020年4月14日 · Pretty much. Check with the submission guidelines for whomever you're planning on sending it to. Most of the people I send to tend to state explicitly something like: "We do not accept works that have been previously published elsewhere, in any venue, including all forms of digital self-publishing."