  1. How to leave everything behind and start a new life (24 …

    • What is it that you aren’t happy with where you are right now? The people? The job opportunities? The lifestyle? The weather? Is there just something about your current home that isn’t ideal, or are you actively being … 展开

    What’s Pulling You?

    Is there something about the place you have in mind that is drawing you there? Although you may have just put a pin in a map, and some people do just up and move when the … 展开

    A Conscious Rethink
    Can You See Yourself Living there?

    In your mind, can you picture yourself living there? Can you picture what your home might look like and what you might do with your weekends? When you imagine it, does it seem real and … 展开

    A Conscious Rethink
    What’s Holding You back?

    The answer to this might be ‘nothing,’ but if you’re reading this then you’re probably not yet convinced that leaving everything behind is the right course of action for you… …and tha… 展开

    A Conscious Rethink
    How Long Have You Been Dreaming About this?

    Some free spiritsmake decisions overnight, and that can be a wonderful way to live life if you’re willing to face the potential consequences. However, if you’re more careful than care… 展开

    A Conscious Rethink