Stomach. a General histology (H&E) of the mouse …
Cldn1 (d) and Cldn5 (f) are restricted to the simple columnar epithelium of the glandular stomach, whereas Cldn3 (e) and Cldn18 (i) are observed in both compartments of the newborn mouse...
Pathology Outlines - Anatomy & histology
Gastrointestinal system - A Practical Guide to the Histology of the ...
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Comparative morphology of the stomach of some laboratory …
Fundic Stomach of Mouse. – Collection of Histology …
The stomach of the mouse has a glandular and non-glandular portion. The non-glandular portion is made up of stratified squamous keratinized epithelium. Notice the top layer of cells are without nuclei and are shedding off.
Histology of the stomach. The stomachs of GF mice (A, …
The stomachs of GF mice (A, B, and C) and gnotobiotic mice associated with LG21 at birth ( ϩ LG21; D, E, and F) were excised at 8 weeks of age and then stained with hematoxylin and eosin for ...
Glandular Epithelium of Mouse Stomach. – Collection …
The glandular epithelium of the fundic stomach in the mouse contains branching gastric glands. The most obvious cells are the columnar surface mucous cells, the eosinophilic parietal cells with central nuclei, and the basally located, blueish …