meaning - What’s the origin and history of using the word "stuff" …
2017年10月5日 · stuff. Property, esp. movable property, household goods or utensils; furniture; 111 Item to my wyf, all my stuff beyng at the Fasterne (1438) A grete red standerd full of stuff, locked with 2 lockes. (1464) The Oxford English Dictionary
expressions - How informal exactly is "good stuff"? - English …
2016年7月26日 · Good/great/lovely stuff! (informal) something you say to encourage or praise someone: "The sales figures are up this week." "Great stuff!" (Cambridge.Dictionary) I don't think it is inappropriate. If I were in the meetings I would see this use as an endearing quality (particularly if it were the Alan Partridge-esque "lovely stuff").
Is “stuff ” a plural word? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Alf sold some stuff at auction. Ben also sold some stuff. Charlie also sold some stuff. Dan didnt sell all his stuff. We wish to say "3 out of 4 loads of stuff were sold at auction". Here the prefix "loads of" converts stuff to a singular collective noun phrase. "plot of" works for land. Not sure what works for "content".
grammatical number - Can I say "stuffs" as a plural noun? - English ...
2014年5月5日 · I say the plural 'stuffs' is as much a word as any other. I say stuffs a lot, which is the plural of stuff, even though stuff already refers to a collection of (plural) things. However, I do say stuffs a lot for fun. Maybe I can make it a legitimate word in the dictionary.
orthography - Free stuff - "swag" or "schwag"? - English Language ...
SWAG, meaning "Stuff we all get," is an example of a backronym. The word existed first and then was misapplied to give-away stuff. The word existed first and then was misapplied to give-away stuff. The letters of a real word were then used to create an acronym.
phrase meaning - Sweat the small stuff - motivational quote
Conversely, "Sweat the small stuff" = "Pay attention to the details"; people notice when you don't put in the effort to truly finish something and make it look as perfect as you can. – Hellion Commented Apr 22, 2015 at 20:00
phrase meaning - stuff of legend - stuff of legend - English …
"The stuff of legend" is a (much) more poetic way of saying "the material from which legends are made", as if legends were physical objects that were manufactured out of physical fabric. The word "stuff" indeed originally referred to textile fabrics, according to OxfordDictionaries.com.
What's the difference between "family affair" and "family stuff"
2014年7月11日 · "Affair" suggests an event such as dw mentioned. "Stuff might include other things as well--cleaning out the garage; changing the air in the spare tire of the family car; taking the family pet to the dog park, If I were to choose only between "stuff" and "affair", I'd likely choose the latter, but unless restricted in that matter, I really would use either one.
meaning - What does “stuff one's nose into another's orifices” …
2014年5月21日 · To stuff (meaning here ‘to stick’) your nose (being nosy) into every orifice (most likely in particular the rear one) is to be understood almost literally here. If you stick your nose in other people’s business, you are being unduly curious and nosy about what other people do. Substituting other people’s orifices, which is even closer ...
meaning - Term for someone who leaves a relationship after the …
2016年7月23日 · And he starts buying her everything she needs like her kids Christmas her a phone and just everything she asks for. Well one day Kaylee meets up with her ex-boyfriend (baby daddy) and all the sudden just drops Tom like nothing and pretty much says (without actually saying it) "thanks for buying all this stuff but bye."