Synthetic biology: A powerful booster for future agriculture
2022年9月1日 · Synthetic biology can transform crops' metabolic pathways and genetic information and involves microorganisms' application in agriculture. Therefore, it has bright prospects in crop breeding and yield increase and ensuring the safety of the agricultural production environment.
Synthetic biology and opportunities within agricultural crops
The design, test, simulate and learn cycle of developing and introducing novel traits into food and fibre crops through synthetic biology. Natural variation and mining big data sets provide information to design new pathways for improved resilience to abiotic and biotic stresses.
Synthetic Biology in Agriculture - AgriTechTomorrow
2020年10月15日 · Synthetic biology can find ways to improve plant carbon efficiency, reduce synthetic fertilizer usage by optimizing plant nitrogen and phosphorous utilization, improve the nutritional value of crop plants, and harness the power of photoautotrophic organisms as large-scale production platforms.
Revolutionizing agriculture with synthetic biology | Nature ...
2019年11月18日 · SynBio’s disruptive concepts and technologies can empower plant scientists to re-imagine food and bio-based materials in a second Green Revolution that will eclipse the first.
Emerging Opportunities for Synthetic Biology in Agriculture
While synthetic biology is a broad domain and comprises many new, emerging and at times disparate fields, we aim to provide an overview of some key aspects of synthetic biology and how they may impact on primary industries, particularly agriculture.
Prospects for synthetic biology in 21st Century agriculture
2024年12月30日 · Plant synthetic biology offers innovative tools and strategies to enhance precision agriculture by engineering crops with tailored traits to adapt to specific environmental conditions, resist pests and diseases, and improve nutrient uptake efficiency.
The impact of synthetic biology for future agriculture and ...
2020年2月1日 · We review the diverse spectrum of synthetic biology applications that started impacting plant growth and quality. We focus on latest advances for synthetic carbon-conserving pathways in vitro and in planta to improve crop yield.